3 years ago


Question – Would you be offended, or just confused if someone you'd never met called you an untrustworthy race bigot based upon just your skin color? That crazy concept used to be employed by the KKK But now the Critical Race Theory people are taking over and it's supposed to be in every debate and law and educational system till we throw out all the racist institutions. But what is it? No book completely lays it out – so I'm going to sum it up for you. But understand it's very bad, can't redeem anything and could end up causing a race war in America. Yes, it's that bad.

Where is it from & who invented it?

The phrase Critical Theory comes from the Frankfurt School of Germany which relocated to America in the 1930s to avoid destruction by Hitler. The phrase represents the need to destroy all Western institutions, arguing “that man could not be objective and that there are no universal truths.” Law is intertwined with social issues, and inherently favors the interests of the established power structure. Derrick Bell then developed CRT to it's current state.

1. Race is the ultimate reality, so all Society must be viewed through this prism;
2. The White Race has subjugated all other races historically;
3. Master & slave is the paradigm representing a Marxist worldview;
4. Since racism was at the beginning, all institutions are racist;
5. American law is racist, including the Constitution, Due Process, property rights, etc.;
6. Race is the reason for individual success or failure, not talent, work ethic or character;
7. Institutions must be destroyed and rebuilt to root out the racism;
8. Victims, beaten down for years, needed to be re-educated for a new way of life;
9. Derrick Bell developed CRT and admitted its Marxist basis;
10. As advocates demand increasing concessions, a race war may be the conclusion of this entire.

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