Andrew Torba - Founder of Exposes GW Bush as a Fake Republican

3 years ago

Founder and Owner of, an alternative social media site that doesn't discriminate against conservatives like Facebook and Twitter do, delivers news about former President G.W. Bush and the former POTUS's involvement and cooperation with Mark Zuckerberg in an effort to facilitate, promote, finance, and nurture illegal immigration. This of course is a package deal, which includes bonuses such as the elimination of United States of America sovereignty, the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and ultimately, elimination of personal freedoms that have been enjoyed in this nation since it was founded.

This comes as no shock to me considering that G.W. Bush reached out to Joe Biden on November 7, 2020 to congratulate him on a "clear and decisive victory" over our incumbent President Trump. Of course, for me personally, I have disliked President G.W. Bush since his first term as POTUS. GW Bush lied to the American people on a number of occasions but it was the usurpation of power and elimination of Constitutional rights that came with the cramming through Congress of the PATRIOT Act that really caused my complete and total disapproval of GW Bush as POTUS, as anyone who read even the first few pages of that bill would have been able to clearly see why it should never have been passed into law because the potential for abuse was spread extremely liberally between each and every page of that totalitarian legislative and anti-American atrocity. The title of that bill is extremely and intentionally deceptive, and a far better title would have been something along the lines of the "ANTI-PATRIOT Act" or the "DESTROY THE USA Act", because it represents everything that we as Americans should be vehemently opposed to.

To see GW Bush side with Mark Zuckerberg against his fellow Americans here in the United States comes as no shock to me, but then I've never been that guy who had politics on autopilot and towing the party line like everyone else always seemed to be doing. I watch a person's actions, and if their actions don't represent the values that I hold, I will never give a second serious thought to casting the single vote I have for that person. I wouldn't vote for GW Bush for POTUS if he was the only person on the ballot, I'd write in Ron Paul or Donald Trump because neither of those two men are corrupt to the evil core like GW Bush is, or like Joseph R. Biden, Jr. is.

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