Amateur Radio Station Cq Arrl dx Contest 2013

3 years ago

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The video is about an international amateur radio competition with the aim of making the largest number of voice contacts with various locations on the globe. The sponsoring entity of this competition is the association of radio amateurs from the United States of North America. Amateur radio is an activity of communication exercise practiced by men and women from the most distant places on earth. There are also activities on extremely exotic and uninhabited islands in all continents so-called dx expeditions are places of difficult access, often without electricity and nor drinking water depending on generators and a plethora of supplies and equipment so that there are actually conditions for activating communications between radio amateurs. Being able to make contact with stations in a place like this is like being a champion in a very disputed Olympic Games. Amateur radio is a hobby that spends educational instruction in the public interest because it also assists in emergency operations in cases of public calamity saving lives through radio communication. Communications between radio amateurs and astronauts in outer space is very common. In this video I use my radio which is a low power transceiver and a simple wire antenna, a dipole with good propagation conditions and I can make some qso's contacts in this contest. A hug to everyone 73 by Gilberto Silva Pacheco Filho, city of Porto Alegre RS Brazil PY3FBI

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