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3 years ago

African Lion vs Hyena

African lions and hyenas have been sighted fighting so many times. The two animals are unique in their own way and have totally different lifestyles. African lions are powerful creatures that normally attack and kill their prey within a few minutes. On the other hand hyenas are known to scavenge and eat anything that comes their way. Sometimes hyenas also hunt but due to their low speeds they can only manage to kill old or sick animals.
Neither the hyena nor the African lion backs down easily when the two are fighting. Hyenas are known to snatch food from lions. This happens the few minutes when a lion has just hunted and is tired from the chase. Lions always emerge as winners whenever they battle it out with Hyenas. The African lion is a powerful creature with amazing aerodynamic moves that make it impossible to be waylaid by hyenas. When fighting, the lion normally pounces on the hyena, bites it on the neck before suffocating it to death. Even though hyenas lose these fights, they are not easy to thrash. They have powerful jaws that can break a lion into two. The grip of a hyena jaw is so strong that it is estimated to be equal to more than one ton.

A Hyena has much more stamina and force than a lion considering a lion only has a bite force of anywhere from 500-600 lbs per sq inch whereas the Hyena has anywhere from 1000-1400 lbs per sq inch. Secondly a Hyena will never take on a lioness or a lion if the odds aren’t 4 to 1 even then if they call members to the spot a single hyena can call for other members up to 4 miles away, which is one of the best hearing out of all the land animals. Another thing about the Hyena is its part of the cat family which means the Hyena is the strongest cat in BITE FORCE. Now I say Bite force because they have the strongest bite however the lion and most other cats are stronger with muscles in the limbs. For instances getting hit by a cougars paw is like getting hit by 2 full grown male MMA fighters in the chest, hell even a domesticated cat can give you a small wallop. Lets talk about that stamina part, well one thing is lions are meant for speed they run fast and fast being 81 km/h or around 50 mph for a short distance like a cheetah, just not as fast, however the hyena can run up to 64 km/h or 40 mph for up to 20 miles.

It may sound like I am for hyenas and that would be right I am I love the hyena, but I also know that there are things that lions are better at however I connect on a hyenas level because like a hyena I am viewed as weak or not recognized as much. Anyways back to the debate. As I quote the author “An African lion” which means the male lion from Africa correct. Well here’s the thing about those to fighting for the most part an African lion will not attack a single hyena unless it deals with territory or its really hungry and even then if they are really hungry they will only attack the young pups because big kitty knows better.

A simple mistake by the lion could also get it killed as a hyena is not a creature than can easily let go. The only chance that a hyena has of winning is if it is fighting with an old, sick or young lion. Sometimes several hyenas attack a solitary lion and therefore overpowering the lion. However, the speed with which an African lion moves makes it hard to catch it, let alone kill it.Most animals are terrified of hyenas even if one is alone, because it means there are always more around. Hyenas have a 50-70% successful hunt ratio where as lions only are successful at about 15-22% of the time. The male african lion is typically successful in fighting off small packs of hyena between 6-10 members.

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