Basic Dog Training – Part 1

3 years ago

TOP 10 Essential Commands Every Dog Should Know!

In this Video You Will See Top 5 Commands And Another Next Five Commands In Next Video..!!!


1. Watch Me.

"Watch Me" is the fundamental command for keeping your dog's attention.

Before each training session, as well as when your dog loses focus, this command will prove itself very useful.

Many dog owners forget to teach their dog this command, which can make attracting the dog's attention much more challenging.

Basic dog training comprises fundamental commands that should assist you in all kinds of situations in the future.

2. Sit.

The "sit" command is one of the best and most useful commands for distracting dogs during a walk.

As you've been able to see throughout this video, the "sit" command is also useful for training other ones.

Dogs can learn to sit with relative ease at an early age, starting from about seven weeks old.

3. Lie Down.

The "lie down" command is a challenging one and will require multiple repeats.

Be patient with this command. It's a good idea to award a dog treat as soon as your dog starts moving toward the floor, even without completely lying down.

Dogs are smart creatures, and will quickly learn the command once they realize that moving toward the floor is a good thing.

4. Stay.

Your dog will have an easier time learning the "stay" command if you train them gradually.

Reward your dog for waiting two seconds, then gradually introduce more prolonged periods.

To make training more challenging, once your dog has learned the command, try to move further away from them. Again, do it gradually - start with one step away, then increase the distance.

5. Come.

"Come" is one of the most vital dog commands.

It's crucial to ensure your dog doesn't associate it with a bad experience.

Make sure your dog associates the "come" command with good things by teaching it with rewards.

⬇️ Basic Dog Training Program ⬇️

Develops your Dog's "Hidden Intelligence" To eliminate bad behavior and Create the obedient, well-behaved pet of your dream..!!!

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