Millions of citizens from all over the world take to the streets to protest against global control.

3 years ago

VIDEOKINGS -- On Saturday March 15, millions of citizens from all across the world marched for freedom in protest to global "excessive coronavirus restrictions" and authoritarian control. The event named ‘#WeWillAllBeThere' was part of a worldwide rally for freedom in which more than 100 countries participated.

"As one massive, united, and peaceful community, we will stand up and demand an end to the current excessive restrictions and authoritarian control measures", is the message from attending protesters. “All state of emergency declarations enabling excessive corona measures must be repealed immediately.”

"We’re not saying there isn't a threat - the facts that are out there, you just need to look at the National Office for Statistics for the deaths in the last year from flu, and compare it to the last three years... There is a growing number of people who are doing their research, they're looking at what's happened in the last year and they're questioning the narrative that authorities are desperately trying to sell us."

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