Why Are Leftist Globalist Nihilist Politicians Always Warhawks?

3 years ago

Why do the leftist, globalist, Satanist, communist, nihilist, Marxist, politicians in both parties of our one-party-system always want our American soldiers in some other country fighting a war?

Why the endless wars?
Why would that serve their strategy?

There are other reasons but here are two big reasons: they want to Sap our spirit, drain our willpower, bruise our emotional centers, put warm Pepsi on our souls like a tooth, break and shatter our spirit, suck out our soul, and to take away our emotional energy and fortitude. they want our pride to be drug through the mud, and they want to have communist politicians in charge of compromised yes-man commanders, so that there will be no plan victory in sight, and no victory at all. Young men are not inconsequential to the American population. We are the centers of families, we are brothers we are sons to her fathers, we are friends to our friends, we are lovers to our girlfriends and wives, we are fathers to our children, if you strike the young man not only will the nation have no muscle but the shadow of our spiritual destruction will fall on everyone we know and who knows us, and they will be affected in the same way. They want our young men to be shadows of themselves. And they want everyone to feel it. And they want us paralyzed emotionally and spiritually so that we can’t fight them in the field or with our words because were too tired wounded fed up broken, injured, and jaded.

Do you know normally you can punch somebody on the shoulder and say hello, but if that guy has a broken arm he’ll scream out in pain and he’ll avoid coming to your party. That’s what they want, they don’t want us to be ready game and able.

They want us to be completely drained so that when there comes a situation when we really like to go fight we won’t feel like it, because we’re too burned out from the pointless wars that the communist totalitarian satanist globalist party forced us to go fight.

By the way, if you have been touched by PTSD and shell shock, there is a spiritual understanding for it. That is, that you are a spiritual and metaphysical being. You have a heart that is not simply wet pumps in your chest, you have a soul, you have a spirit, you have a wheel, you have a mind that is completely independent from the organ which resides in your cranium, and when you become shellshocked or experience PTSD, these spiritual and immaterial metaphysical parts of you are getting injured.

The weapons of warfare are more than just physical they are spiritual and metaphysical, and there is metaphysical damage flying around the battlefield just as much as physical damage.

When you take a bullet to your spirit, that’s when you get PTSD. Your spirit is like glass or ice or a crystal, it can shatter. You can have a broken spirit. It’s similar to your heart, you can have a broken heart. When you break glass there are many little pieces that fragment and shatter, (reminds one of Harry Potter…) anyways the damage of PTSD is that you and your spirit have been shattered and fragmented into different parts and pieces, and the process of healing is that these become reunited and re-forged back together in one whole piece.

I am more than willing to talk with you about this if you’re interested.

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