Mia's 7th Pit Bull Puppy

3 years ago

+++++Training Your Pit-Bull Puppy: For a Perfect Pet+++++

"A dog is a guy's best friend." He is a loyal enthusiastic pet that will add life to the house. He's fun and energetic and always ready to play. He dedicates himself to protecting his owner and might save his life too, as we hear in many miracle stories. The bottom line is a dog is one of the best domestic pets one may get.

A pit bull is one of the most popular domestic dogs. They can be really people-oriented and friendly. Some people may think otherwise due to some attack stories they might have seen in the media. The media has misled the public into thinking Pit Bull attacks are of epidemic proportions when in truth, statistics show that for every Pit Bull that kills, there are 10.5 million that don't. Plus, the fact that a Pit Bull attacks or not depend more on the owner than on the dog breed itself. So, the owner can train his dog properly to avoid any possible attacks and bad behavior.

It is best if one starts training the pit bull at a young age because then, the pit bull is more flexible and easier to teach. To begin with, one should focus on socialization. Expose your dog, at an early age, to variable situations and different people and animals. It is important that a pit bull learns to become comfortable in all environments. The owner must keep things positive and upbeat since the overall mood reflects on the dog.

Another thing one should do is make sure the dog's attention is always in his hands. One should take time to practice commands on different occasions and situations. A whistle or "Hey" maybe means to grab the dog's attention. The dog should always respond to his master's commands in spite of the distractions around him. That way, the dog's actions are always under control so there is no room for reckless wild behavior.

This opens the door for another important training tip which is to make sure the dog knows who the boss is. For example, walk in front of him to let him know who's in charge. Always walk upright and do not show intimidation. Do not respond to his controlling behavior; if there is a certain action the dog is doing that you don't like, insist on him stopping it. For example, if you don't want the pit bull to sleep on your bed, remove him whenever he does it. With time he'll learn that he shouldn't do it. If the dog is demanding attention annoyingly (like barking loudly), do not respond. When he cools down and sits quietly, pet him and grant him the attention he wants. In this way, he'll learn what behavior pays off and what doesn't. Moreover, praise and privileges must be earned. If they are given excessively, they lose their value. That's why toys and other benefits should only be granted when the dog does exceptionally good behavior. This also confirms the fact that power is in your hands.

Training a pit bull doesn't have to require hiring an expensive trainer. It can be done at home though it will definitely take a lot of time and effort it is worth it. Once trained, a Pitbull is a great companion.

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