Mind-Body Connection and Chronic Illnesses! Interview with Author Debbie Emick

3 years ago

I am interviewing Ms. Debbie Emick, author of The Other Side of Perfect: Discovering the Mind-Body Connection to Healing Chronic Illness.
We will discuss The mind-body connection to healing chronic illness and autoimmune disease.
*The trauma and perceived helplessness of diagnoses of rare and serious diseases with poor prognoses.
*Trial and error navigating the more superficial aspects of healing--advice from medical experts, pharmaceutical interventions, etc.
*Coming to a more holistic approach toward healing (nutrition, exercise, etc.) that finally led to an internal search for mental/emotional health (meditation, energy/somatic work, calming my nervous system, etc.), ultimately creating less physical illness and pain.
*Learning to move beyond the coping mechanisms and personality traits I’d attached to for survival that no longer served me or my health.
*Living a less fearful life from a place of power that allows me to create the life I desire today, regardless of diagnoses, because none of us have a guarantee of tomorrow.

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