Happy dog and cat 21

3 years ago

++++++++++++++Do Dogs Really Hate Cats?+++++++++++++++++++
Maybe it's because there are so many people living in apartments these days, but cats have now taken over the top spot as America's number one pet. But there are also many people who have both cats and dogs. Just how do dogs and cats really get along? Do dogs really hate cats?

The truth is that dogs and cats can live together amicably, especially if they are introduced together at a young age. Even if they are brought together as adults there is still a good chance that your dog and your cat won't shred each other if you introduce them to each other carefully.

Your best chance of having a cat and dog live together and get along well is by having a kitten or cat first. Cats often seem to need this advantage to establish themselves in the home before a dog becomes part of the family. Whether this is because a dog often has a size advantage or is more boisterous - who can say? But cats and dogs usually have a better chance of living together on good terms when the kitten or cat belongs to the family first.

It's easiest to introduce a puppy or cat-friendly dog into your home if you set up an area where your cat can have some peace and privacy. Baby gates or dog gates are usually a good idea, at least at first. This will allow your cat to have part of the house to himself without being bothered by your dog. Your cat and your dog can live under the same roof for a while without coming too close to each other - a good idea when one of the inhabitants may have sharp claws.

When it's time to let your cat and dog meet face to face it's usually a good idea to use a leash and a pet carrier. Have your dog on a leash and put your cat in the pet carrier. You should control the situation as much as possible. Make sure that your cat feels safe. Some dogs can be a little too enthusiastic. You can allow your dog to sniff the carrier and look inside the crate. Your cat may not be happy but he should allow the dog to inspect the carrier without freaking out, especially if the two of them have been in the same house for a few days.

Keep the baby gates up for as long as necessary. In some cases, this may be a while. In other cases, your cat may start slipping out. Some cats are very good at putting a dog in his place and letting him know that he can't push the cat around.

If you have a kitten you will need to take special precautions to make sure that he isn't injured accidentally. Even if you have a kitten and a puppy you should be careful that the play doesn't get too rough and no one is injured. Do watch out for your puppy too. Cat claws can do serious damage to your puppy's face.

Dogs don't really hate cats but some dogs have not been raised with cats and they don't know how to treat them. There is often some jealousy at play on both sides when you have a cat and a dog in your home. Once your cat and your dog are established in the home you shouldn't have too many problems with them but you will need to see that they don't tease or taunt each other. Cats and dogs can behave like bratty kids at times but they are lots of fun and you can certainly keep both pets in the same home.

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