Latifah Faisal vs. UTubekookdetector (#StoptheSteal & Capitol Insurrection)

3 years ago

Here's another silly post by Latifah Faisal on the events at the Capitol on Jan. 6th.

She screeches: "Let’s not play games." I concur, let's not play games about violence in this country, let us call it out.

"This was not about differences in political opinions. It was not a rally that “got a little out of hand”.

Actually, it is about political opinions & their differences. One side sees radical Muslims fly planes into buildings (is there any other sort of Muslim?) & says we should not judge all Muslims by the actions of a few.

But that same side blames millions of law-abiding Americans (like me, who have killed fewer people than Ted Kennedy's Oldsmobile) when there's a shootout at a homosexual night club or when some sociopath gets on a balcony & begins indiscriminately murdering people.

However, that same side also says nothing when children are regularly the unintended victims of drive-by shootings in the hood. That same side (yours Latifah Faisal) also says nothing about the thousands upon thousands of African-American cadavers that are put on slabs in County Medical Examiner offices each year (usually in the hood & usually at the hands of another black person) because that doesn't sell newspapers.

If you sat on Facebook all day (which I have been told you "have your nose buried in your phone" regularly -- I found this to be true in my case because the question I asked you on messenger -- you saw it within a minute) & banged-out diatribes over young black men murdering other young black men (President-Select Biden even mentioned this in a recent speech, but he failed to connect the dots. Read: A lack of fathers & an excess of drugs) you would never have time to do anything else.

I have all the data to back up my claims >>>

We also do NOT live in a democracy. I’m tired about hearing how we “live in a democracy.” This is NOT a democracy. Maybe some retard who barely passed-through a decaying inner-city public school would believe that, but what’s Latifah Faisal’s excuse? Never mind.

If we’re a democracy, then why did the Founders ensconce the Electoral College in the Constitution? Why do North Dakota, South Dakota & Wyoming have the same number of U.S. Senators as New York, Florida & California? Why do Alaska & Wyoming have more Senators than California? The Connecticut Compromise was very anti-Democracy. You are an elected official in Story County, Iowa & you do not know this? Stunning!

Why do Treaties require 2/3 for ratification? Why does Congress need 2/3 in each chamber to override a POTUS veto? Why did they make the Constitution so difficult to amend? If they wanted a “democracy” they would not have created 2 chambers of Congress & they certainly wouldn’t have allowed us to throw members out of “The Peoples’ House” every two years. In addition, they would not (although this was changed by the 17th Amendment) have Senators appointed by state legislatures. Why does the Executive Branch, according to the Constitution have so little power?

All the justices he appoints have to be christened by the Senate. All his Cabinet heads have to be approved by the Senate—he can’t even spend a dime sans Congress’ permission!

The process of the House selecting the President in the event nobody gets more than half of all electoral votes is also very anti-democracy, as is the Senate process to pick the Vice President in the same scenario.

Let’s can this “democracy” crap. You’re either such an ignoramus that you really think this is a democracy we live in or you realize your voters are stupid enough to swallow that bile. I am currently leaning towards the former.

She blabbers: "The failure to prepare and take seriously the very real threats of violence is a technicolor illustration of a double standard that cannot be disputed."

What the heck does that even mean? I would like to ask you this: Are you safer in Iowa if you picked any 10 cities at random or the cities I covered in the link above? Keep in mind just for example that most of Chicago is pretty safe, their drug overdose problem & homicide issues can be drilled-down to 6 districts in the city & it is likely a few neighborhoods in those district that are the biggest problem. Same goes for Oakland.

I would say any county in Iowa & 99% of cities (there are some areas on the south side of Des Moines & some areas in Council Bluffs that you would NOT want to walk around after dark unless your name is Paul Kersey) in Iowa don't have to live in fear pertaining to "threats of violence.

There are plenty of neighborhoods in Flint, Detroit, Baltimore, New Orleans, Camden, Gary, Newark, East St. Louis, St. Louis, Ferguson where threats of violence are very real & not just something you run your mouth about from your ivory tower.

Remember when Michelle Obama said in an ABC interview that Barack could get shot going to the gas station? I do not think she was talking (and I assume she had Chicago on her mind) about a white nationalist pulling-up in his Lincoln Continental & spraying bullets all over -- she was referring to the fact that young black men tend to get murdered in Chicago (see this >>> ) quite often & the arrest data tells us that it is usually other young black men doing the dirty deed. In Cleveland & Dayton guess what Latifah Faisal -- most of the homicide after adjusting for population is black on black.

Sure, you could do some of your patented Google "research" & find some Democrat-run cities that don't have piles of dead bodies lying everywhere (and until last year, the homicide rate had been almost steadily-declining for about a quarter century), but on average, these diverse, melting-pot cities that have also been run by Democrats (a train wreck of a school system is also prominent) for decades are far more likely to be dangerous than Republican ones.

If you find a city full of crime, you will also likely find a city run by Democrats, that is also full of fatherless children & drug addicts.

Double-standard? When was the last time a talking head on the clown news network, MSNBS, the evening snooze, NPR or whatever rag you listen to say "The biggest problem in the black community is a lack of fathers?" Do tell.

She then screeches: "Compare the response to this deadly mob attack to that of those protesting for racial justice."

I remember Tom Cotton wanted to call out the National Guard while protestors burned down half of Minneapolis, created all kinds of havoc last summer in Seattle, burned down buildings in Kenosha & he was hammered for that. Is trying to burn down a courthouse in Nashville an insurrection? How about setting a police precinct on fire?

Now, Washington DC looks like a demilitarized zone. By the way, here are the homicide numbers for DC: DC Murders 2018-2020 = 524! In DC, African-Americans typically comprise >90% of all Murder victims. Black on black Murder has been commonplace in DC for a very long time. Surprised?

District of Columbia cumulative homicides 2015-17 = 413 and a homicide rate of 20.17! Ya’ll know who these pukes voted for.

From 2010-2017 in Washington DC (see ) 50.8% of all children were born out of wedlock. 61.2% Hispanic, 5.7% white & 78.1% black. If you want to virtue-signal & do your cute little hastag nonsense try #fatherlessblackchildreninWashingtonDCmatter 46% of Washington DC/District of Columbia is African-American.

There have been massive spikes in homicide in several cities last year, such as Lost Angeles, Cleveland, Flint, Ferguson, Wash DC, St. Louis, etc.

Latifah Faisal then says, "I am deeply disappointed in the response of those who have been more than happy to encourage and parrot the twisted lies coming from the White House because it served their purpose."

I am deeply disappointed in your lack of data, but I do not think you are doing that to fool your sheep, you just don't know much. You were taught WHAT to think, you were not taught HOW to think.

Under the auspices of the Brandenburg v. Ohio ruling there was nothing Donald Trump said in his speech on Jan. 6th that is anything near what you want it to be.

Are you holding Maxine Waters culpable for violence when she urged her idiots to get in the faces (see where I document all this) of Trump Cabinet members, form a crowd, push back, tell them they are not welcome there. Maxine knows in chess, the pawns always go first -- she is safe in her ivory tower & he is hoping to get her morons all ginned-up so they will try something.

What if someone takes her advice on that & attempts to assault a licensed CCW in rural Iowa? What do you think will happen in that situation Latifah Faisal?

"Fredo" Chris Cuomo said last summer, "Who said protestors have to be peaceful"? LMBO! Are you serious?

Nancy Pelosi was asked about the violent protests, the mobs in the middle of the night & burning buildings last summer, you know what she said? "People will do what they do."

Another commenter said, "Any reasonable person would say we should not be destroying other peoples' property, but these are not reasonable times."

Another said, "Thank goodness for the looters."

What if I said "some people did something"?

Larry Elder played a montage of all of these. Latifah Faisal, you are a hack & a loon.

And Latifah Faisal's final serving of bilge: "A repudiation of the sacking of the halls of Congress followed by a regurgitation of claims of election fraud is transparent and cowardly."

I will take you on concerning that election fraud claim, ball is in your court

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