Baltimore Schools Pass Students with Failing Grades to Avoid Punitive Approach

3 years ago

Rough Transcript: Hello and welcome This was from Vdare, which FB blocks, but Brietbart also mentioned this.
Baltimore Schools Pass Students with Failing Grades to Avoid Punitive Approach Welcome to Baltimore, a city where white privilege has been depleted, with systemic racism against the whites, implied bias and structural inequality erased. Welcome to a school system where the student body is 7.6 percent white and 76.6 percent black (do the math… 92.4 percent non-white). Really? So I went to the Baltimore school system and saw the numbers for myself. Yes, almost 77% are black in those school systems. The CRT people will say that the standard set by the whites are too high. A world where the standards long ago set by your average white individual are too difficult for those who inherited the city after they pushed the white people out. The Baltimore City Public Schools district created a new grading policy that will allow it “to move tens of thousands of students who have failed at least one class up to the next grade level,” The move is “in recognition of the struggles students have faced” during the year affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Baltimore City Public Schools CEO Sonja Santelises said, “This is not about a failure, but it is about unfinished learning and giving multiple opportunities, multiple onramps for young people to complete that … learning.”
Chief Academic Officer Joan Dabrowski added it is meant to “avoid the punitive approach of failing students.”
Under the new policy, a failing grade in high school will be swapped out for “No Credit,” while second through eighth graders who receive an “Unsatisfactory” or “Fail” will instead be awarded a “Not Completed” mark.
Students will move on to the next grade, even though they earned a grade that was formerly known as failing.
Dabrowski told CNN, “In all of these instances, we want to emphasize the word ‘yet’. Not completed yet, no credit yet.” According to Public School Review, the Baltimore City Public Schools district had a 72 percent graduation rate, while 18 percent of students are proficient in math and just 17 percent are proficient in reading.

This trend will only continue as CRT grows around America. Will this flip America upside down? We shall see...
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