Signs of the End - Part Five - Satan, Space, UFOs and Lucifer's Great Sin -

3 years ago

In this Part Five of the Series, "Signs of the End of the Age" Robert Anthony goes deeper into the deception, started so long ago in this pagan religion during Nimrod's time and at Babel. Satan was thrown out of heaven. Satan wanted to return to heaven but was not able to. Once he realized that he was stuck on the earth, Satan went mad and tried to destroy everything that God made perfect. Many of these things will be compiled into this last days Great Deception coming upon the world, even right now.

Robert discusses space, space exploration and what the Bible has to say about it all. What was Lucifer's Great Sin? We know he was full of iniquity but what was his sin?

Here are the scriptural references - Luke 10:18; Deut 4:19; Luke 17:20-24+; Psalm 131, Isaiah 14:12-16; Ezekiel 28:12-19 and Matthew 24:4 (many times Jesus warned us in these last days "Be not deceived")

There will be two more parts to the series.
Hope and pray this is a blessing!


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