She Made Me the Man I Am: How Mary Forms Men into the Likeness of Jesus - into Authentic Masculinity

2 years ago

Original Upload Date: Apr 14, 2019

"It was the Mother of God, a humble Jewish woman, who taught me that one attribute above all others is foundational to defining the man – foundational to authentic masculinity - and that is a life in conformity with her son, the God-Man, Jesus Christ. It was Mary that molded me and continues to mold me into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ – into the man I am today and the saint that I aspire to be. SHE MADE ME THE MAN I AM. There is no other human being who knows Jesus better than Mary who is bone of His bone, flesh of His flesh and blood of His blood – no other person more perfectly capable of bringing us into perfect union with Him than our Blessed Mother." - Brian Kravec, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Possibility Productions

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