ELITE HYPOCRISY #13: Mayor Bill de Blasio Breaks His Own COVID Lockdown Rules

2 years ago


In terms of COVID cases, New York City is the worst-hit city in the worst-hit state in the worst-hit country in the world.Although some responsibility for the spread of COVID-19 is on the shoulders of Governor Andrew Cuomo and President Donald Trump, accountability for the city’s troubles lies with Mayor Bill de Blasio, nee Warren Wilhelm Jr.His response to the virus was to issue a stay-at-home order, to mandate social distancing, and to encourage the wearing of masks. These measures were met by the criticisms of being far-reaching, unhealthy, and even anti-Semitic.Then de Blasio prioritized the painting of a “Black Lives Matter” street mural in front of Trump Tower instead of following his own virus safety guidelines. Dozens of people, none of whom practiced physical distancing, created this mural, which violated city mural laws. De Blasio appeared to take a starring role in the effort.When the National September 11 Memorial & Museum later canceled the Tribute in Light ceremony scheduled for September 11, 2020, over fears about COVID-19, many criticized de Blasio for failing to do enough to save the ceremony during the pandemic.He was accused of not caring about the victims of 9/11. Or perhaps of caring more about sticking it to a political enemy than ensuring public safety. After all, de Blasio had no problem with encouraging mass protests and painting a mural in front of Trump Tower, both of which flew in the face of COVID-19 safety protocols.In mid-August 2020, Governor Cuomo and others got involved to save the 9/11 ceremony in New York in accordance with virus safety measures. Nonetheless, de Blasio’s conduct indicates that his priorities are not in line with the laws he has helped to pass.


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