Which has more firepower... Wyatt Earp's shotgun? Or REVOLVER News?!

2 years ago

Personally, I think REVOLVER News has waaaaaaayyyyyy more firepower! Read it here and you'll see why:


For those of you who have been paying as close attention to the news coming out of Capitol #Fakesurrection as I have, you already know that the Proud Boys leader, Enrique Tarrio was found to have been an FBI informant for over a decade before his FBI status was revealed AFTER Capitol #Fakesurrection.

And WOW! Now it turns out that Stewart Rhodes, the leader of the Oath Keepers, another one of the so-called "Big 3" militia groups at the Capitol, also appears to have been an FBI Informant for quite a while leading up to #fakesurrection too.

He founded the Oath Keepers back in 2009. I wonder if the FBI was right there founding it with him under the Obama Administration to lure in for identification all those pesky conservative, patriotic, 2A loving, military veterans and cops the Deep State hates so much... hmmmm, I wonder!!

On June 14, REVOLVER News broke another big story indicating that FBI and INTEL informants and/or agents were running amuck all over the Capitol compound on January 6th, staging, instigating and encouraging the entire incident. Yes, REVOLVER News has much more firepower than that lil' ol' shotgun you see Wyatt Earp making good use of in this video.

As I continue to see all this new information coming out about FBI and INTEL informants staging the whole #fakesurrection incident, it makes me wonder if they may have sent an informant or two... or maybe five or six into my world at some point leading up to the big day of January 6th too... hmmmmm... yes definitely makes me wonder...

If you think this Revolver Oath Keeper story is big, just wait until you hear mine. And to all my haters and twitter trolls out there following my every post and tagging the FBI into them, don't worry... the FBI is watching every little move I make now anyway. You don't need to waste your time tagging them, but feel free if it helps you to peel yourselves off the ceiling after reading my posts.

They already know I'm a non-violent man and wouldn't hurt a fly. Get a sense of humor... watch this clip and ask yourself... Why does Alan seem so confident these days? What does he know?

Stay tuned folks! Life is about to get very interesting in the good ol' US of A! And on a final note... if I end up mysteriously dying in a "botched robbery," a Hillary-style-suicide with two bullets to the back of the head, or a fiery car crash any time in the near future... trust me - I was murdered.

And on that happy note, God bless America, and I'm so looking forward to my day in court! Peace, out everyone!

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