Fraud Alert: "the" Government of The United States of America, etc. June 29, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Fraud Alert: "the" Government of The United States of America, etc. June 29, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

To: The Department of the Treasury
Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20220
From: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
We are again suffering a rash of wannabe incorporated Fraud Artists, a mixed bag of American and European white-collar criminals who are trying to pass themselves off as the American Government and then wanting to access our credit and other assets in precisely the same way that any Identity Thief does this: by semantic deceit, improper acquisition/theft of information, and by impersonation.
Recently, we've had "the" Government of The United States of America both infringing upon our Good Name and Trademarks, and pretending to be the Government of this country. These would-be thieves are attempting to follow in the footsteps of the Scottish Interloper, seeking to confuse their foreign incorporated entity with the actual unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America.
Let us point out that neither U.S. Citizens nor Municipal citizens of the United States of America have standing to abuse our Proper Name in any context whatsoever. They have no standing to take any action "for" us regarding our money or our credit or any asset of the land and soil belonging to us.
Let us also point out that we have prior claims that date back to before the Revolution and certainly ever afterward, which have been brought forward, exercised, demonstrated in the form of fifty properly constructed and declared State Assemblies, and evidenced in long-cured Public Notice and Due Process actions, liens, and assignments that are part of the Public Record of multiple State-of-State Recording Offices and the Uniform Commercial Code offices.
These would-be Interlopers haven't got a leg to stand on and we object to their infringement upon our Good Name and our other Trademarks, and we protest their attempts to impersonate us and our lawful American Government.
Let it stand before the world that the name of this country acting in international jurisdiction is: The United States of America.
The United States of America is an unincorporated Federation of States, which are also unincorporated.
The United States of America is populated by American State Nationals and American State Citizens, not by Territorial U.S. Citizens and not by Municipal citizens of the United States, either.
Any incorporated entity calling itself "the" Government of The United States of America is guilty of fraud, impersonation, attempted identity theft, trademark theft and infringement, attempted unlawful conversion, semantic deceit, and other crimes.

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