RAIR Exclusive Interview: Freedom Fighter Gemma O'Doherty and Her Fight To Save Ireland

2 years ago

Read Full Story: https://rairfoundation.com/rair-exclusive-interview-freedom-fighter-gemma-odoherty-and-her-fight-to-save-ireland/

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Gemma O’Doherty is a former European parliament candidate and a multi-award-winning journalist whose work has shone a light on some of the darkest corners of Irish life. Former Campaigning Journalist of the Year, her investigations have led to the reopening of several unsolved murder cases involving police corruption and political interference.

In this RAIR exclusive interview, O’Doherty recounts her journalism career and the backlash she endured for exposing the abuses of her local police chief. She ultimately lost her job because she refused to relent to the pressure to quash this public corruption story. O’Doherty took three legal actions against her company and was successful. In the months before her unlawful dismissal, Denis O’Brien, the biggest Irish donor to the Clinton Foundation and a close associate of Bill and Hillary, became the biggest shareholder in the company. Read Full Story: https://rairfoundation.com/rair-exclusive-interview-freedom-fighter-gemma-odoherty-and-her-fight-to-save-ireland/

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