Looking Back - Democrats Push to Defund the Police

2 years ago

Democrats including White House press secretary Jen Psaki and her boss Joe Biden have called for defunding the Police. But the Democrats are now trying to turn the tables and blame Republicans for wanting to defund the Police which is a bald faced lie! Democrats have been caught red-handed and yet they won't take responsibility for their words or actions. Republicans want to provide police departments with all necessary resources to do their job properly. Democrats, on the other hand, want to defund and/or abolish the police while at the same time Democrat Governors are releasing from prisons tens of thousands of hardened criminals onto the streets of major U.S. cities all across the country. At the same time the Biden administration is proposing legislation that will take away guns from law abiding citizens who will then be unable to defend themselves and their families against criminals, crooks, thieves and thugs even as violent crime continues to skyrocket as a direct result of Democrat policies to defund the Police and vilifying law enforcement in general. If you want America to become SAFE again you need to vote Republican in 2022 and 2024 or crime, chaos and mayhem will continue to increase needless to say. Democrats diabolical plan is to DEFUND POLICE, LET CRIMINALS OUT OF PRISONS, TAKE GUNS AWAY FROM LAW ABIDING CITIZENS - WHICH WILL RESULT IN ANARCHY and the DISSOLUTION OF OUR DEMOCRACY - TRANSFORMING AMERICA INTO A MARXIST UTOPIA by way of what is now the MARXIST DEMOCRAT PARTY who will do ANYTHING, in my opinion, TO HOLD ONTO POWER & CONTROL of the Federal Government and the American people. Look at the VOTER FRAUD that occurred in the 2020 election if you still have doubts. These are my personal viewpoints but if you simply connect the dots it all adds up and it doesn't look pretty. That's why Republicans, Independents and Trump supporting Democrats need to VOTE in mass and in unison in 2022 and 2024. Don't let the Democrat Party destroy America. Nuff' said.

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