Peacocks is the nature's most beautiful bird

2 years ago

Peacocks is the nature's most beautiful bird .Its feathers comprise of colors like crescent sheens of bright blue and green etc and gives a shimmering effect when light falls on it which looks very vibrant. Its feathers has plethora of decorative uses. These attractive feathers can be incorporated with fashion accessories, costumes, feather fans, masks. These feathers are also available in dyed, bleached or natural color formats. These colorful feathers when used in decoration of any venue enhance the elegance of that place.

Some people even think that these feathers are symbol of good luck so they keep them in their books, scrap books or any sacred place. Many suppliers supply these feathers in bulk to even management companies, fashion designers and even one can get them in local flea market or over the internet very easily.

Peacock feathers make wonderful wedding decorations. They can be combined with wedding flowers with metallic golden color ribbon tied on it will give a beautiful impact and will make a pretty bouquet. Peacock feathers can also be used in decorating centerpieces. Also tall plumes look stunning in beautiful vases and when kept in center of the venue gives an elegant look. One can also think of decorating stage with flowers and peacock feathers. Apart from centerpieces and stage even wedding cake can also be decorated with feathers. Few peacock feather eyes and clusters of hydrangeas flowers such as green and purple can make excellent cake topper. Or a cake which looks like peacock feather with metallic golden fondant and frosting peacock feather eye looks eye-catching. Following are few more options in which peacock feathers can be incorporated.

Wedding Invitations: Peacock feather featuring on any vibrant colored invitation card with blue, green or red satin ribbon will look stylish and will definitely impress the guests.

Bridal Dresses: A new trend has started now a days bridal dresses are based on peacock theme. Bridesmaid can be dressed in many complimentary colors found in peacock like royal blues, teals and green with peacock feathers embedded in the dress makes it look stylish.

Hair fascinators: Peacock feathers added to the fascinator looks attractive.

Costumes: Many fashion designers uses feathers in their dresses to give a stylish look or let their models wear feather gowns or costumes made of feathers so that they look pretty.

Peacock feather wreath: Peacock feather wreath can be a beautiful adornment for your home. To make a wreath you need a straw wreath base of the size of your choice. Take peacock feathers according to the size of wreath. Trim the feathers till the quill end so that they can be inserted in the wreath base. Set the feathers smoothly inside the wreath and to make it look more elegant you can use a ribbon and some flowers. Hence it's easy to make and finished product which comes out looks beautiful.

Apart from being used in fashion accessory, ornamental and decorative purposes these beautiful feathers are also used for cleaning purposes. Dusters are made from peacock and ostrich feathers as these feathers have natural oil in them which hold the dust particles in them.

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