The Week According To . . . Dr Niall McCrae 10.7.21

2 years ago

Great to have Niall join us for his regular stint reviewing the past seven days big stories .
Niall is an officer of the Workers of England trade union.
From 2010 to 2021 he was a senior lecturer in mental health at King’s College London, and he continues to write on mental health matters.
He was also until recently a senior researcher for David Kurten and Peter Whittle on the London Assembly.
His publications include several books including ‘Moralitis: a Cultural Virus’ (with Robert Oulds), ‘The Moon and Madness’, ‘Echoes from the Corridors’ (with Peter Nolan) and ‘The Year of the Bat’ (with MLR Smith).
He is a regular contributor to Unity News Network, Gateway Pundit, Lockdown Sceptics, The Salisbury Review and The Light.
Follow Niall on Gab @Dr_Niall_McCrae

Stories and links being discussed this week

Covid passports planned in time for England’s autumn wave

Covid: Children's extremely low risk confirmed by study

4 in 10 Brits back permanent face mask rules – even after pandemic is over

Big Government

Free fruit and veg planned for the poor in National Food Strategy

Big Tech

Trump launches class action lawsuit against Big Tech giants

Critical Race Theory

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey Signs Bill Banning Critical Race Theory

Muslim sex attack

`Predatory' delivery driver jailed for sexually assaulting woman

Turning off the BBC

1 million homes make switch and stop paying for BBC


Imposing ‘imaginary’ values risks EU collapse, Slovenian PM claims

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