Coming For Your Children - Trudeau's Ethics?

2 years ago

'We're coming for your children': San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus pushes woke agenda

In honor of Pride Month this past June, the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus released a song outlining how they'll "convert your children."
The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus released a song outlining how they’ll "convert your children."

The song, titled "A Message From the Gay Community," mocks parents that fear the push of the LGBTQ agenda in today’s media, with the song claiming that parents wouldn’t be able to protect their kids from the advances and ideas of the group, Not The Bee reported.

There is a socialist coup unfolding in Canada, and we taxpayers are funding it

Under this socialist revolution, there is no need to confiscate your property — they can simply redistribute your wealth

If I had written these words just one year ago, it would have been deemed conspiratorial. But I have heard from too many Canadians over the past six months about what they have seen taking place. Ever since Justin Trudeau tried to grant himself king-like powers at the beginning of the COVID crisis, what we have been witnessing in Canada is a socialist coup that we, the taxpayers, are funding.

The real scandal is how Justin Trudeau’s four ethics violations carry no punishment

It’s official: Justin Trudeau broke the rules.

Canada’s prime minister was found guilty of violating four sections of the Conflict of Interest Act governing public office holders, stemming from two 2016 vacations on Bell’s Cay, a private island in the Bahamas owned by the Aga Khan.

Beyond the legal wrong-doing, Conservatives are no doubt rejoicing that Trudeau screwed up in the least middle class-ish way — by taking a private aircraft to vacation with a billionaire in the Caribbean.

O’Toole announces plan to fix Fiscal Stabilization Program in campaign-style announcement

In a campaign-style announcement, Conservative Party Leader Erin O’Toole said on Thursday that if elected his party would fix the Fiscal Stabilization Program and implement an Equalization Rebate that would see $5 billion go to provinces that have paid “more than their fair share” under the program. Speaking in Calgary, he added it would help Alberta the most with $4 billion of the rebate going to that province for use.

6 things to know about Trudeau's First-Time Home Buyer Incentive

The federal government’s new incentive aimed at improving affordability for first-time homebuyers is about to launch on Sept. 2.

Ottawa has earmarked $1.25 billion over three years for the First-Time Home Buyer Incentive (FTHBI), which is designed to lower new homeowners’ monthly mortgage payments without boosting their down payment costs.

While this may seem like good news for prospective homebuyers, the incentive has come under intense scrutiny since it was announced in March, with some arguing it won’t help those looking to live in the country’s most expensive markets.

So before you apply, here’s everything you need to know about the incentive.

China is Amassing Thousands of Troops in Canada

In late 2019, under a treaty signed with Canada, the People’s Liberation Army of China has quietly amassed military troops in Canada. It started at the beginning of 2020, and those troops are believed to be readying for an actual military invasion of the United States.

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