Golden retriever tries hard to convince his master to play with him.

2 years ago

Golden retriever ❣
The Golden retriever is one of the most versatile dogs in the world. They are beautiful, intelligent, and very talented. People often find them lovable, irresistible, cute and cuddly. Golden retrievers are considered to be excellent in companionship with children, being reliable, safe, and intelligent. They are appropriate for living in both an apartment or house. More so than ever, their personalities are perfectly wonderful, considered to be clever, tender, nice tempered and well mannered. Golden retrievers are known to have human-like characteristics. They show the capability of feeling deeply, being able to understand human thoughts and share a person’s deepest emotions. The golden retriever breed originated in the early 19th century. They are large dogs with a broad head and drop ears. Their bodies are strong and muscled, yet not massive. The tail is thick at the base and thinner at the ends. The normal golden retriever is approximately 23 inches tall and can weigh up to seventy-five pounds. They have a life expectancy of about 13 years. The heritage of the golden retriever has been a dispute for decades. The tale that is less believed with very little evidence supporting it states that the retrievers’ origin is that of a circus dog. It’s fascinating, the amount of intelligence and skills these dogs have. A Russian sportsman, known as Lord Tweedmouth, had decided that he must have a pair to breed and train for field work at his estate in Scotland. The Russian trainer
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quoted as saying “[a] dog has the soul of a philosopher” ( ). Plato was one of the most influential philosophers in history, and he agreed that dogs are more than just animals. Dogs have always been extremely popular animals, and for good reason. They are incredibly intelligent, talented, and versatile. Due to these characteristics, dogs are able to adopt many different positions. Dogs can take on many roles in society including household pets, service or therapy dogs, police dogs, and search and rescue

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of desired traits in animals and plants. Similar to natural selection, humans have developed artificial selection where humans select the most desirable traits instead of the environment, this is what’s known as selective breeding. But in fact selective breeding does not select for the fittest phenotype like in natural selection it actually selects for the most desirable phenotypes which may cause harm to the individual. Natural selection selects against harmful alleles as they are disadvantageous

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