Have You Spoken "UNADVISEDLY" through "PROVOCATION" of Your Spirit as The Provocation of Moses"

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2 years ago

Have You Spoken "UNADVISEDLY" through "PROVOCATION"
of Your Spirit as The Provocation of Moses"

Spirits of Provocation loosed in great numbers.. Remember Beloved.. this is an attempt to keep you from Proceeding.. elevating to your next level, for it is at the door!

Pray for CROP FAILURE for Every Idle Word you have Spoken..Pray According to HIS MERCY!

The Lion has Roared.. Who can But Fear....
The Lord Has Spoken.. I can But Prophesy!

"I Prophesy to the Perplexities and Give The Practicalities!"

Psalm 106:32-33 (KJV)
32 They angered him also at the waters of strife, so that it went ill with Moses for their sakes: 33 Because they provoked his spirit, so that he spake unadvisedly with his lips.

Psalm 106:32-39 (MSG)
32-33 They angered God again at Meribah Springs; this time Moses got mixed up in their evil; Because they defied God yet again, Moses exploded and lost his temper.
34-39 They didn’t wipe out those godless cultures as ordered by God; Instead they intermarried with the heathen, and in time became just like them. They worshiped their idols, were caught in the trap of idols. They sacrificed their sons and daughters at the altars of demon gods. They slit the throats of their babies, murdered their infant girls and boys. They offered their babies to Canaan’s gods; the blood of their babies stained the land. Their way of life stank to high heaven; they lived like whores.

Grace Nugget:
• Lacking Temperance and calling it Indignation

One of those many things He hates is a "forward mouth" (Prov. 8:13). God even calls "being froward" an abomination (Prov. 3:32).

Psalm 103:8 (KJV)
8 The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.
Psalm 145:8 (KJV)
8 The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy.

Other Scripture:
Nehemiah 9:31; Exodus 34:6; Numbers 14:18; Psalm 86:5
Exodus 34:6; Psalm 86:5; Psalm 86:15 (THERE'S MORE"

Grace Nuggets:
Many of you are Calling Your PERSONAL FEELINGS "Righteous Indignation"

Proverbs 4:24 (KJV)
24 Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee.

Forwardness Definition:
• Perverseness; reluctance to yield or comply; disobedience; peevishness
• headstrong; habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition "
• defiant, disrespectful, ill-mannered, impolite, impudent, insolent, rude,
• disobedient, resistant to guidance or discipline

Definitions of perverse:
marked by a disposition to oppose and contradict
marked by immorality; deviating from what is considered right or proper or good

The word "froward," by itself, is found in twenty-four verses, twelve of which are in Proverbs.
The phrase "a froward mouth" appears three times in the Bible, all of them are in Proverbs:
• "Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee" (Prov. 4:24)
• "A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth" (Prov. 6:12).
• "The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate" (Prov. 8:13)


The cure for a "froward mouth" is found in Philippians 4:8:
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

Proverbs 4:24 and 6:12), where it means "distortion" or "crookedness."

Turn You at my Reproof and I will Pour Out my Spirit Unto You

Proverbs 1: 23-25
23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you. 24 Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; 25 But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:

Definitions of reproof:
• an act or expression of criticism and censure
• censure severely or angrily

Definitions of regard:
• a feeling of friendship and esteem
• a long fixed look
• the condition of being honored (esteemed or respected or well regarded)
• paying particular notice (as to children or helpless people)
• an attitude of admiration or esteem
• look at attentively and connect closely and often and deem to be

Jeremiah 7:23 (KJV)
23 But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you.

Grace Nuggets
• The World was Formed(Out of Alignment) VOID(Chaos)
• God Goes from Dark to Light(The Evening and the Morning)

Three Terms for Sin Used in the Bible
1) Het- "Straying away from the Path" (Found 459 times Forgetfulness, neglecting the Truth,)
2) Avon - "Crookedness in Your Conduct" (Iniquity- Twisted- Deliberate but weakness)
3) Pesha - "A Rebellious Transgression" (Willing rebellion 136 times in the Bible)

He Directs Your Paths
Proverbs 3:6 (KJV)
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:6(AMP)
6 [a]In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him,
And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way].

2 Timothy 2:11-13 (KJV)
11 It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him:
12 If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us:
13 If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.
2 Timothy 2:11-13 (MSG)
8-13 Fix this picture firmly in your mind: Jesus, descended from the line of David, raised from the dead. It’s what you’ve heard from me all along. It’s what I’m sitting in jail for right now—but God’s Word isn’t in jail! That’s why I stick it out here—so that everyone God calls will get in on the salvation of Christ in all its glory. This is a sure thing:
If we die with him, we’ll live with him; If we stick it out with him, we’ll rule with him;
If we turn our backs on him, he’ll turn his back on us; If we give up on him, he does not give up—for there’s no way he can be false to himself.

When The Lord Comes Will He Find Faith
Luke 18:8(KJV)
8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth
======THE WORD-======
Matthew 10:27(KJV)
27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.

🌟🌟Apostle & Seer Shawntrell Davis🌟🌟
"I Prophesy to the Perplexities and Give the Practicalities!"

The Lion has Roared..Who can But Fear?...
The Lord has Spoken...I can But Prophesy!

The "GOD-With" Ministry
"Not Inspirational Speaking, But Word-Based Preaching!"

Facts are Temporal Truth is Eternal! What is real? The TRUTH that, Nothing is too hard for God!

Preach Be a Voice Not an Echo

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Thomas Emmanuel Davis III
Apostle & Seer Shawntrell Davis
Ambassadors of the Word of Reconciliation
Followers of "The Way"

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Distributors of the Release!

Suddenly Heaven Invades Forcing Transformation!!

#YesLordIWill #CryLoudAndSpareNot #TheLordMyGodIsWithMe #PartakersofHisGlory #FortifiedBrazenWall #Repent #TheKingdomOfGodIsAtHand

Let the Lord be Magnified! Announcing the Coming of the Glorious Kingdom of God!

2 Corinthians 5:20(KJV)
20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.

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