2 years ago

In this video-based podcast episode, I discuss the news of the hour “Withdrawal from Afghanistan Gone Wrong” thanks to Biden's silence, actions and weak portrayal of America, while he is allowing Jihad leaders to come together and create an epicenter with billions of dollars of U.S. military equipment left for Taliban insurgents to use and create chaos around them and plan new terrors against Europe and many countries that surround them. It is clear as day that Biden did this to destroy our strong bond with our allies and make us look weak to both our allies and adversaries signaling them that America is no longer a super power and that it is up for grabs by any country that wishes to invade us. This is a direct attack on the world and all countries that were victims of terror from Islam and now that Biden withdrew the troops unsafely in a very poor manner, nobody is safe now since he single handedly has given the key to Taliban to take control of Afghanistan and invite all terrorists to create new blue prints for mass chaos. Moreover, this was done deliberately to create chaos in the world while we turn into a Communist country under Woke and Covid weapon and target. Furthermore, China supplied Taliban for years to take over Afghanistan and this time Biden did what he was paid to do from CCP and that was withdrawing our U.S. Military from Afghanistan in a very unsafe manner to bring fear and kill masses that were once aiding our U.S. Military when they were stationed there while allowing China to move their manufacturing into Afghanistan in exchange for their natural resources such as oil and many other valuable resources. Nothing is a coincidence, it is all part of the New World Order and Biden decided to take a vacation at the same time to signal that he had nothing to do with how poor the evacuation was handled which reminded many of Saigon. Our U.S. allies are now looking at Biden and questioning him on how he is planning on keeping them safe from Taliban terrorists that are curated in Afghanistan to terrorize the world starting with Europe and surrounding countries. This is also an attempt to do 9/11 2.0 and send more soldiers to die in Afghanistan for deter civil war in Kabul, AF, which means more printing money, bad stock market to a crash and new reason to print money for more weapons. United We Must Stand and Impeach Biden for Destroying America and our allies by his poor actions that he must comply and push by his elite leaders and CCP for greed. Enjoy!!!

Love You All
- Ari Gold

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Much love,
Ari Gold

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“Have a super day and always live in the moment to feel alive”  - Ari Gold

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