8-28-21Rogue Team of Retired US Vets Rescue Afghan Allies, Biden Busted Trying To Smuggle Cash

2 years ago

Operation ‘Pineapple Express’ – Rogue Team of Retired US Vets Rescue Afghan Allies During Secret Missions Conducted BEHIND BIDEN’S BACK
A group of highly trained US military veterans have been conducting secret rescue missions behind the Biden State Department’s back, rescuing hundreds of Afghan allies from Afghanistan with their heroic efforts.

Furious over the terrible situation in they had already sacrificed so much to prevent when they served, the team of retired specialists, including Green Berets and Navy SEALS, risked their lives. They volunteered to travel to Kabul because they were afraid that Joe Biden was abandoning at-risk Afghan elite forces, leaving them to die at the hands of terrorists.

TREASON: Taliban Joe Tried To Send Pallets of Cash to Afghanistan Amid Taliban Takeover
On August 14, Secretary of State Blinken spoke with Afghanistan’s former president and promised that the Biden regime would provide a bulk shipment of dollars. The very next day, the Taliban had taken over the country.
Frontpagemag.com reports: The Biden administration had effectively agreed to provide a massive infusion of cash to the Taliban. But the final deal fell through, the Afghan government fled, and the Taliban took Kabul.
The bulk shipment of dollars never did arrive.
Biden’s diplomats scrambled to evacuate from Kabul. Ajmal Ahmady, the governor of DAB, Afghanistan’s central bank, already had a ticket and headed to the airport. He managed to get on a military plane.


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