The Chinfluencers

2 years ago

Chinchillas are very similar to rabbits and squirrels. They are oval in shape, small and fat, and their front body resembles a rabbit. The ear shells are large, thin, blunt and round, with auxiliary ears. There are a pair of shiny black eyes on the face. The tail is long, and the tail hair is fluffy like a squirrel. The long-tailed hairy rat has a body length of 24-28 cm and a tail length of 14 cm. The short-tailed chinchilla is about 32 cm long and the tail is about 10 cm long. The chinchilla has many long beards on both sides of the nose, and the lower jaw has two incisors, which are exposed outside the lips, and are orange-yellow. There is a thick layer of enamel on the surface of the incisors.

Chinchillas have long tails and short tails. In the wild, they like a dry and cool environment. Many groups live in mountain rock crevices or caves.

Chinchillas are docile, do not bite, and like to live in groups. It has developed vision, smell and vision. It is good at jumping, timid, and accustomed to sleeping during the day and foraging at night. It likes to lie on its back in soft sunlight, but does not like direct sunlight. Male and female individuals usually get along harmoniously and rarely fight, only occasionally during the season of breeding spouses. When the chinchillas mate, they will make a soft "cooing" sound like a dove. In the group, the female mouse is usually in a dominant position.

Chinchilla likes a clean, dry, and cool environment, and likes sand baths, the suitable temperature is 2-30 ℃. Chinchillas hate humidity and are afraid of high temperatures. They are not suitable for growth when the temperature is below 0°C or above 30°C. Too much rain, humidity and cold wind are not good for the growth and development of chinchillas. Therefore, chinchillas are generally kept indoors in a dark environment .

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