Afghan woman's ominous prophecy doesn't bode well for America or the world.Biden &Trump got it wrong

2 years ago

A PROFOUND PROPHECY: After talking with former Afghan pro freedom fighters in the Northern Alliance, Christian pastors there on the ground, Afghan workers and missionaries, Biden's horrible withdrawal debacle did NOT solely begin with him. Rather it was accelerated by the reckless foreign policy decision making of Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump. That is not a left wing observation - it is the truth. The fact is, Trump got very bad advice & ran with it.

Interesting that neither Trump or Biden served in the military and so have zero concept of the selfless sacrifice & blood & treasure that was spent in Afghanistan to preempt it from ever becoming a terrorist's Disneyland & breeding ground for suicide attacks on our homeland again. Now America has no watchtower there. We have NOTHING. Trump began this crazy quest for a total withdrawal based solely on politics- it was part of what he had promised his base in 2016 - "end endless wars." Stop the nation building.

But the fact is, it would have only required 5000 US & NATO troops stationed at Bagram Airforce base to keep the region safe from a resurgence of CCP China backed jihadists such as ISIS K and Al Qaeda not to mention their radical terrorist friends in the Taliban. As usual, the attention loving, narcissist, infantile Trump bragged about his meeting with the top Taliban, terrorist headship couple of years ago. He & Pompeo then authorized the release of Taliban terrorist leaders (they did NOT release the tortured & solitary confined, western, Christian world view, truth telling journalist Julian Assange of course) from prison and ACCORDING TO OUR PRIMARY SOURCES - THIS WAS THE SINGLE BIGGEST ACT OF BETRAYAL THAT DESTROYED THE GOOD WILL AND LED TO THE DEMORALIZIATION OF THE AFGHAN MILITARY AND ITS GOVERNMENT IN KABUL.

Since Trump is an egocentric-Norman Vincent Peale positive thinker and doesn't believe in biblical REPENTANCE, he certainly won't be offering up any sincere apologies anytime soon. Mr. Saleh, he brave VP of Afghanistan is now its acting President and under the protectorate of the Northern Alliance in the fertile & mountain protected Panjshir Valley- home of the "Lion of the Panjshir", Ahmed Massoud. They will fight to the death the vicious tyrants of ISIS, AL Qaeda & the Talban as they seek our western aid in their noble effort. Even now as we speak, we & other missionary organizations are working to smuggle past Taliban check points, scores of Muslim & Christian women & their children, safely harboring them under the freedom lover Massoud.


Trump supporters who market books and their own political fortunes, will spin the Hades out of the fiasco by pointing out the false notion that Trump's plan would not have been so reckless and haphazard as Biden's. This is partly true but doesn't negate the brutal fact that Trump was a total godless FOOL to cut any deal with TERRORISTs period!

Beijing Biden has compounded the blood shed and the Democrat CULT OF DEATH has made things a 1000x worse. But the initial demoralization & betrayal of US allies- 20 yrs of Afghani & NATO forces sacrifice-the trust of Afghan protectorate Kabul government - their undoing WAS ALL INSTIGATED BY TRUMP. To not report this accurate is a total lie.


So as usual Jesus speaks to the people, The common man HE loves. He loves to speak through them and much to the chagrin of blind, prideful and arrogant elitists' leaders. Here. GOD speaks through this mystery woman a dire and ominous warning - 10 days before the ISIS K attack on our troops. Had her warning been heeded by Biden - could have averted the horrible disaster now unfolding in Afghanistan which in the end, will make the WHOLE WORLD less safe.

Al-Qaida and ISIS and the radical terrorist group Taliban have now filled the power vacuum that both Biden & Trump instigated. Biden admits he wants this but obviously Trump is blaming it all on him as he always does. We have unconfirmed reports that this young woman with no head covering is one of the 15-20,000 Christians now living in terror in Kabul- thanks to Trump & Biden.

May God protect her and all the innocents now huddled together in darkness & in fear of their lives as the mass executions begin. Scores of Christians are being summarily executed under 7th Century barbaric Sharia Law. Children are being taken as sex slaves and raped or killed. The whole tragedy deserves our earnest prayers & yes for our troops. Our prayers are with our hostage citizens & US grieving families.
Ephesians 3:20-21
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