BIDEN Incompetence Means Economic DISASTER!

2 years ago

President Joe Bidens incompetence in dealing with the withdrawl of US forces from Afghanistan could have seious implications for the American economy. It could lead to an ECONOMIC DISASTER! Is Joe Biden capable of inspiring confidence in our allies? Is he able to garner the respect of our advesaries? Or will Joe Biden prove incompetent in holding the dollar as the world's reserve currency? Will we look back on the incompetence of the Biden Admistration as the one that resulted in the disaster of a crashed American economy? Is our financial system capable of surviving an incompetent Joe Biden? Will we avoid a financial crisis?

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UK Parliament Holds Biden in Contempt for Afghanistan Withdrawal (The Washington Free Beacon)
The United Kingdom's Parliament on Wednesday held President Joe Biden in contempt for his withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, calling the move "catastrophic" and "shameful."

Members of Parliament, including some who served alongside U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan, accused Biden of "throwing us and everybody else to the fire" with his decision to withdraw. They also attacked Biden for his "shameful" criticism of the Afghan National Army and said it was "dishonourable" to blame Afghanistan's fighting force for the Taliban's takeover.

US clarifies Taiwan policy hasn’t changed despite Biden comment on defending the island (The New York Post)
A Biden administration official has clarified that the long-held US policy on Taiwan hasn’t actually changed, in an about-face after President Biden suggested the United States would defend the island if it were attacked.

In an interview with ABC News, Biden was asked about responses from other countries amid the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Chaotic Afghan exit compels Japan to rethink reliance on US security (Nikkei Asia)
TOKYO -- The U.S., the U.K., Germany and other nations dispatched military planes to Kabul's international airport on Monday in a mad rush to evacuate their nationals following the Taliban's swift takeover of Afghanistan, but Japan never sent its own aircraft -- the only Group of Seven nation not to do so.

The unfolding events following the U.S. military exit from Afghanistan have forced Japan to grapple with shortcomings in its own security strategy, as lawmakers here draw parallels between Tokyo's yearslong reliance on American troops and the Afghan military's inability to hold its own.

What Afghanistan tells us about Team Biden’s incompetence (Washington Times)
Last year, during the presidential campaign, Joe Biden promised the American people his administration would be characterized by order, discipline, experience, and, above all, competence.

That has turned out to be spectacularly and obviously wrong.

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