Season 2, Episode 2: The Crisis in Afghanistan featuring Col. Peterman & Col. Sharpe

2 years ago

On this episode of Pilsners & Politics, Benji and Vinny sit down with two distinguished military servicemen (retired), Col. Michael Peterman and Col. Arthur Sharpe.

First and foremost, Benji and Vinny want to send our deepest sympathies and condolences to the family and friends of the 13 brave military soldiers who lost their lives in Afghanistan as a result of poor planning and execution from our nations leaders. The people entrusted with keeping those souls safe failed them miserably in what will go down as one of the biggest foreign relations disasters in our nations history. We pray for those who lost their lives and are thankful for their service! The truth is, this episode was recorded a day before this tragic loss of life occurred, otherwise it would have been spoken about at length. That being said, we would like to dedicate this episode to those 13 soldiers; may your service to this country be honored and remembered, it will never be in vain!

Col. Peterman and Col. Sharpe offered some great insight as to what is taking place over in Afghanistan. With the vast majority of Americans having very little information on this crisis, it was imperative to have these two strategic, knowledgeable minds come on to help put the pieces together for the rest of us who may have never served in the military and likely have very little grasp on the foreign relations/tensions in the Middle East.

Col. Mike Peterman:
Colonel Peterman (Ret.) is P&S Solutions’ founder and CEO. Mike fought in Afghanistan with 3rd Brigade of the 82nd Airborne (2002), 4th Brigade of the 82nd Airborne and commanded the 101st Sustainment Brigade of the 101st Airborne Division in Afghanistan (2010-11).

Col. Peterman joined the commercial sector following 26 years of distinguished service in the United States Army. His career was highlighted by troop assignments in Airborne, Special Forces units and he was privileged to command the 82nd Airborne’s Main Support Battalion and 101st Airborne Division’s - Sustainment Brigade (Air Assault). After three combat deployments to Afghanistan, he was assigned to the United States Army Materiel Command (AMC) as the Director of the Commanding General's Initiatives Group (CIG) and the Chief of Operations and Plans (CHOPs).

Mike holds a Master’s degree in Strategic Studies from United States Army War College and Health Services Administration from Chapman University as well as a Bachelor of Arts in History from Weber State University. He possesses the professional designation of Demonstrated Master Logistician from the International Society of Logistics.

Col. Arthur Sharpe:
Colonel Sharpe has over 35 years of senior governmental, political, legal, financial and professional military service in highly responsible managerial, financial, leadership and command positions involving both military and civilian positions. Col. Sharpe is a multi-functional logistician with MOS/AOC 90A (multi-functional logistician); 91A (technical supply); 92A (mechanical maintenance) and 92B (supply management). He has experience conducting multiple transitions at all levels of military, government and civilian organizations, both CONUS and OCONUS, some with strategic consequences.

Having spent most of his military deployments in Iraq, Col. Sharpe offers similar insight as to his counterpart, Col. Peterman, and understands the logistical issues plaguing the region. Col. Sharpe was awarded the Combat Action Badge, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star (2), Meritorious Service Medal (4), Army Commendation Medal (2), Army Achievement Medal and the Humanitarian Service Award (JTF Katrina) among many others. In addition to his distinguished military career, Col. Sharpe is licensed to practice law in the State of Mississippi and had been in charge of numerous federal and state run agencies.

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