Straight Shooting News w/ Bandana Ed - Labor Day - pt 2

2 years ago

Straight Shooting News 9 5 2021 Labor Day Government Funding For Lies and the Consequences to Every Adult and Child!
Let’s begin with Labor Day and how Labor Day came about:
Labor Day is a day the nation pays tribute to the creation of the nation's strength, freedom, and leadership – the American worker.” Labor Day is a patriotic holiday, and a time to show pride in American workers!
The very first Labor Day in the country was celebrated in 1882, and it became an official federal holiday in 1894. The holiday falls on the first Monday of September. The day typically celebrated with picnics and parades, and the long weekend getaways. For many parents in parts of the U.S. it is the long weekend before children go back to school.
*Tonight we will look at how all the taxpayer dollars that comes from all the Labor and Hard Work of Americans are being used against us in wars and right down to oppressing us and our children in the end. Our reward is the Government Mandates one whole day off with pay!
*Those same tax dollars are be used to undermine our U.S. Constitution and our rights the very fabric of our nation.
*Let’s begin with the lies from the government agencies that claim their jobs is to protect our health and welling being and particularly the children’s.
*Scott Atlas who was part of President Trump’s Health team to control the virus speaks out on masking on Laura Ingraham’s show on 9 1 2021
*Laura and the Dr.’s What is Fauci talking about Herd Immunity? The shots expire in what October? Boosters?
*What Laura was referring to was the news released On August 31 when we found out

*Two of the FDA’s most senior vaccine leaders are exiting from their positions, raising fresh questions about the Biden administration and the way that it’s sidelined the FDA.
32-year veteran of the agency and OVRR deputy director Phil Krause, and CBER director Peter Marks for not insisting that those decisions should be kept inside FDA

*What finally did it for them was the White House getting ahead of FDA on booster shots

*These two are known as “These two are the leaders for Biologic (vaccine) review in the US”
*These two are no heroes by any means, but does show they have had either a degree of conscience or a degree of fear about when people start dying or showing the irreversible adverse effects will be demanding for justice!

*Would the government or medical industry ever lie to us? A bit of needed humor from AZ Robert Gruler. It would be extremely funny if the situation wasn’t so serious today. Smoke Lucky Strikes! Cropped at 120:16 to 132:50

tax revenue
*When President Trump took office he called the heads of the U.S. Military Losers.
*When Joe Biden was sworn in the Pentagon and people Like Gen Milley celebrated
* clip from Tucker Carlson - he links it to Afghanistan. A Leaking Military teamed up with corrupt State Department and Media to derail Presidents! Tax Payers dollars for Gender Studies in Afghanistan
*More tax money, bloodshed and deaths of Americans over decades.
Glenn Greenwald:
Breakdown of Taxpayers Military Equipment that was purposely left behind by the U.S. Military teamed up with corrupt State Department and Media
* Ric Grenell former acting director on National Intelligence on the Vetting Process of refugees.
Begin and play to 5:33
Start again at 7:40 -
* National Security and Humane Issue
*Where is all the revenue coming from to first house, feed, and care for the refugees on the U.S. Military Bases
*Then the cost of providing housing, food, clothing, health care, and even forms of transportation to so they can hopefully assimilate into the American Society.
*Are paying to set us up for another terrorist attack on our U.S. Soil, with the revenue from our labor that we are getting one whole day off?
*What does the world think of the U.S. right now? Giving the Taliban U.S. Aid FOR CLIMATE CHANGE so what are we laboring for and pay our taxes for?
This is titled The U.S. Has Gone Mad! From Sky News Australia, with former Deputy Sec of State Under Mike Pompeo, Mary Kissel.
Play to 5:15
7:15 China Bad Actors
* China again buying Hunter Biden’s horrible paintings as they pull the puppet strings and instruct Joey Biden on what to do next to destroy OUR Country.
Who are We The People on this day of celebration of Labor Day funding with our tax dollars that are sitting in Washington DC. And who are they really working for?
Enjoy your day off with beers and barbecues.
Happy Labor Day

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