Best Acoustic Guitars for Beginners [Reviews Kids]

2 years ago

This Paluzzi Guitar video will provide reviews for the best acoustic guitars for beginners and kids.

Guitar Lessons for Beginners Playlist

Best Acoustic Guitars for Beginners [Reviews Kids]
0:00 Preview
0:23 Steel-String Acoustics
1:23 Best Guitars for Ages 7-10
1:46 Best Guitars for Ages 10 & Up
2:28 Full-Size Entry Level Guitars
2:56 Full-Size Mid-Range Price Guitars
3:35 Full-Size $1,000+ Guitars
3:54 Guitar Stands
4:35 Guitar Cases
5:00 Guarantees
5:21 Summary

Best Acoustic Guitars Reviews for Beginners and Kids
This best guitar reviews for beginners and kids video will provide reviews and recommendations as well as providing advice for those buying a guitar as a gift for someone else. In both cases, these guitar reviews will provide tips and advice on how to buy the best guitar for beginners and kids without actually knowing how to play one to properly test it out.

Best Acoustic Guitar for Beginners
Acoustic guitars can be classified into two categories: steel-string acoustics and nylon-string acoustics.

A steel-string model is the best acoustic guitar for beginners to learn with due to its versatility. Most strumming or ‘sing-along’ songs are played on steel-string acoustic guitars, ranging in styles from folk, to country, to rock. Many popular fingerstyle songs also feature steel-string acoustic guitars as well. Though some would suggest to initially learn on nylon-string (aka ‘classical’) guitar, which has softer strings that are ‘easier on the fingers’, the objective for every beginner guitarist should be developing proper finger strength. Learning on a steel-string acoustic will develop enough finger strength so that switching over to play an electric or nylon-string guitar will not be so challenging, while initially learning on an electric or nylon-string guitar will not develop enough finger strength to later play a steel-string acoustic effectively.

Guitar Reviews for First time Buyers
Buying a guitar can be a very intimidating experience for a first time buyer. Not only are there many factors involved in evaluating the quality of a guitar, there is also the nerve-racking experience for the beginner to actually have to test and compare guitars in front of someone (usually the seller). This Paluzzi Guitar video provides general reviews of the best acoustic guitars for beginners, first time buyers, and for kids.

How to Buy Best Guitars for Kids and Beginners
Like anything else, purchasing a new guitar from a reputable dealer is a much safer bet than buying used from an individual. Most of the time, those ‘great deals’ from craigslist, garage sales, and pawn shops are guitars with serious flaws. Only those guitarists with years of playing and buying experience usually do well in the used market, because regardless of price, there are many ‘spec’s’ or details that need to be checked in order to determine the playability and actual value of a guitar.

Acoustic Guitar Reviews for Beginners
Some of the best acoustic guitar reviews for beginners featured in this video are: Yamaha Jr 3/4 size model, Yamaha FG series models, Seagull brand guitars, Seagull S6 series guitars, Martin guitars, Taylor guitars.

First-Time Guitar Buyers Guarantees
When buying new, some stores offer 30 and 60-day return policies, which gives the guitarist a chance to purchase a guitar and then have it ‘checked-out’ by a friend or guitar instructor for any flaws.

Paluzzi Guitar
The objective of the Paluzzi Guitar video series is to help establish a foundation of guitar fundamentals by applying various playing techniques (rhythm, fingerstyle, and soloing) to various styles of music. The more playing styles and techniques a guitarist can learn, the more diverse and self-sufficient a guitarist will become.

The Creative Guitarist Method Series was written and designed by Kevin J. Paluzzi of Paluzzi Guitar Instruction in San Diego, CA. For more information on private lessons and books, go to:

There really isn’t any one particular playing style or technique required in order to classify someone as a guitarist. For example, Andres Segovia, the Beatles, and Carlos Santana are all considered legendary performing guitarists, but each has his own particular style or technique (fingerstyle, strumming, and soloing) for playing. The Paluzzi Guitar series of books and videos are designed with a ‘pick and choose’ topic format (songwriting, soloing, etc.) so that once the Guitar Basics are completed, the guitarist can decide to focus on whatever topic they wish to study.

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