9-13-21 China to Send Naval Ships “to within twelve miles” of U.S. Coastline

2 years ago

A leading official in Beijing has warned that China will give the US “a taste of its own medicine”. This comes amid increasing military tensions between the two superpowers. Earlier this week, China reacted angrily to the presence of a US Navy Destroyer close to one of its island military bases.
In response, an irate Beijing condemned Washington’s “bullying” and vowed to give the United States “a test

North Korea Successfully Test-Fires New Long-Range Cruise Missiles on 9/11 – Hits Target 1,500 km Away
September 11, 2021 on Joe Biden’s watch: The Taliban chanted “death to America” after taking over Afghanistan and North Korea successfully test-fired long-range cruise missiles.

EXCLUSIVE: Large Sections of the Border Wall Have Been REMOVED and Left WIDE OPEN Along Heavily Trafficked Drug Route in Southern Arizona
TGP reporter Julian Conradson traveled to the US southern border in Arizona last week.
This is his first report from the open US border.




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