Gordon G. Chang ~ The Liberty Forum ~ 9-14-2021

2 years ago

What Does the People’s Republic of China Really Want?
Understand the extent of their ambitions, and find out what we must do now to defend America

Featuring Gordon G. Chang
Internationally recognized author and China Specialist

China’s regime wants to take away our sovereignty and rule the world, and it also wants to rule the near parts of the solar system. No ruling group in history has ever been this ambitious.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will use every means — no matter how malicious — to achieve its goals. The CCP deliberately spread beyond China's borders COVID-19, a disease that has killed at last count 612,000 Americans. The Chinese regime, seeking the overthrow of the U.S. government, incited violence on American streets last year, and it is killing tens of thousands of us annually by flooding our shores with fentanyl and related opioids. Every 12 months, the CCP regime steals perhaps a half trillion dollars of American intellectual property. It has even declared a “people’s war” on America, and is now infiltrating our society from top to bottom.

To defend ourselves, we, the American people, must do all we can to remove China's influence from our society. Learn how to empower yourself and those around you in this fight for the survival of freedom.

ABOUT OUR SPEAKER: Gordon G. Chang is the author of several books and booklets, including The Great U.S.-China Tech War, Losing South Korea, Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes on the World, and The Coming Collapse of China. Chang lived and worked in China (Hong Kong, Shanghai) for almost two decades as Partner in the international law firm Baker & McKenzie and as Counsel to the American law firm Paul Weiss.

Mr. Chang's writings on China and North Korea have appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The National Interest, The American Conservative, Commentary, National Review, Barron's, and The Daily Beast. He is a columnist at Newsweek and writes regularly for The Hill.

His speaking engagements at universities and organizations include: Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, Yale, The Brookings Institution, The Heritage Foundation, the Cato Institute, RAND, the American Enterprise Institute, and the Council on Foreign Relations, to name a few. He has given briefings at the National Intelligence Council, the Central Intelligence Agency, the State Department, and the Pentagon. Chang has appeared before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and the U.S.-China Economic and .
Mr. Chang's television appearances include: CNN, Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network, CNBC, MSNBC, PBS, the BBC, and Bloomberg Television. He is a regular co-host and guest on John Batchelor's CBS Eye on the World.

Internationally, he has spoken in Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei, Hong Kong, New Delhi, Seoul, Singapore, Tokyo, The Hague, London, Ottawa, Toronto, and Vancouver.

He served two terms as a trustee of Cornell University.

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