Five Surveillance Camera Videos from the Capitol Building on January 6th

2 years ago

Recently Judge Beryl Howell ordered the DOJ to release Capitol building surveillance camera footage from January 6th to Buzzfeed and other media outlets. There are thousands of hours of video from the Capitol surveillance cameras that are archived from January 6th, but the prosecutors of Trump supporters and the DOJ have withheld this footage from being seen until now. These five camera videos were timestamped from 2:25 PM to 2:40 PM on January 6th. There is no violence seen in these videos by Trump supporters as you've been led to believe by the Democrats and the Propaganda Media. In the last video, the Capitol police are in riot gear forcing Trump supporters out of the Capitol building through a previously broken window, rather than through the door. This was point when the Capitol police and the Washington DC police got violent with Trump supporters by beating them and shooting pepper balls and tear gas cannisters at them. It's very clear that this was simply a trap set up against Trump supporters to make them look like rioters!

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