The 5th Doctor - Ep. 5: “DID WE EVER ASK GRANNY?” Dr. Rochagné Kilian Exposes Health Care Corruption

2 years ago

On August 23rd, 2021 during a town hall meeting, Dr. Rochagné Kilian resigned her clinical position at the five hospital Grey Bruce Health Services (G.B.H.S.) system, where she was employed as an emergency physician, IN PROTEST of the impending vaccine mandate.

In this groundbreaking interview, Dr. Rochagné Kilian, MB.Ch.B, C.C.F.P., C.C.F.P.(E.M.) reveals what led up to her decision to resign in protest, recounting her shocking observations and experiences as the “pandemic” unfolded and eventually the “vaccine” rollout occurred. The South African born and trained emergency medicine specialist and infectious disease expert details to Dr. Sam Dubé, M.D., Ph.D. the horrific contrast between her extensive clinical training, experience & observations, with the contradicting, suppressive, deceptive, and downright harmful protocols and policies enacted by the hospital system in which she was employed.

In addition, it is revealed that upon seeing an explosion of what appeared to be vascular issues among vaccinated patients presenting to the ER, Dr. Kilian independently initiated d-dimer testing (similar to Dr. Charles Hoffe and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi) with disturbing results….

Finally, Dr. Kilian also addresses much of the unscientific, non-evidence-based and harmful government oversight of the pandemic, from the mandating of injections for our children, to the existence yet suppression of effective treatment modalities, to the blatant lack of informed consent and the backwards policy of isolating the young and healthy to protect the vulnerable (contrary to The Great Barrington Declaration), personified by her poignant question, “Did we ever ask Granny what she wanted?”

NOTE: The last 26 minutes of this video consists of this town hall meeting, where you can hear Dr. Kilian’s objective and expert questioning of the President & C.E.O. of G.B.H.S. regarding the mandate, and the subsequent deflections, “buck passing”, unsubstantiated and unscientific declarations, and blatant misinformation given as actual answers.
The interview with Dr. Kilian concerning this meeting can be found here:

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