Dr Jessica Rose says there's no logical reason to be vaccinated. Maddie De Garay's vaccine injury.

2 years ago

Today on Covid Exposed.

Dr Jessica Rose says there's no logical reason to be vaccinated. Stephanie De Garay's daughter in wheelchair after Vaccine.

Today on Covid Exposed.

Maddie De Garay was a healthy, happy, straight-A student from Ohio who enjoyed life before receiving her second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at the age of 12. The now 13-year-old was one of the 2,260 voluntary participants in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trial for adolescents that began in July last year. Maddie’s mother, Stephanie De Garay joins us to talk about the shocking effects of the vaccine on Maddie’s health and the heartless treatment she received.

Dr. Jessica Rose has a Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics and a Masters in Immunology. She completed her PhD in Computational Biology at Bar Ilan University and then did her first Post Doctorate at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Molecular Biology.

Dr. Rose is challenging the “official” position that the thousands of reported deaths, and hundreds of thousands of adverse events reported to VAERS, are not caused by the COVID vaccines. She is also drawing attention to the most critical effects.

Paul DiMattina is a prominent Melbourne identity and General Manager of Lamaro's Hotel in South Melbourne. The Victorian Government’s Covid strategy has brought small business to its knees and ripped the heart out of a once vibrant and beautiful city. We talk to Paul about the ongoing restrictions and their impact on Melbourne.

Comment: In their desperate rush to vaccinate all adults and eligible children, Governments have taken to bullying and demonisation. In Victoria this week, citizens finally revolted against tyranny, shocking the Victorian Government and its allies. Construction workers and other groups, protesting against mandatory vaccinations and the failure of their leaders brought Melbourne to a standstill. The city, filled with riot police and resembled a war zone.

Workers are not taking well to home detention, loss of income and coercion. Censorship cannot hide the adverse effects of vaccines. Many in healthcare and emergency services have choose resignation over vaccination. Discriminatory vaccine passports have yet to be introduced in Australia but State leaders are already warning that many services will not be available to the unvaccinated. Governments are waging war against their own citizens and it wont end well.

Covid Exposed on Asia Pacific Today. September 26, 2021

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