Durham is Closing in on the Clintons, 3706

2 years ago

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Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup!

A new turn from the John Durham investigation. Special Counsel Durham has just issued a new slew of subpoenas for the law firm that became notorious as Hillary Clinton’s junk yard dogs – in other words, the ones who did the dirtiest tricks in which she has been involved in recent years.

But Durham has been at it for 2 years now. All Trumpians hoped that Durham would move swiftly to have the Clintons behind bars by now. But shortly after Joe Biden’s fake victory, in Nov, 2020, Durham announced that he was dropping his investigations into the Spygate probe going after certain FBI figures who arranged the illegal spying against President Trump.

Since then speculation has swirled around Washington that either Durham was; #1 another Bill Barr – a guy with a big reputation in the legal community who was put in place to slow walk all prosecutorial concerns about the organized crime wave which dozens of federal government officials organized to dirty up Trump to provide Biden with the maximum chance to win.

Or, #2, Durham had been bought off or threatened somewhere along the way to bring about exactly the same result.

The numbers of those still believing that Durham would actually do something significant in restoring the rule of law in the new Biden anti-American age had dropped to virtually zero.

Then in August of 2020, FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith plead guilty to one count of making a false statement to the FBI, but received only a slap on the wrist and a couple weeks of community service for something you or I would spent years in a federal prison for.

Then, after the election in 2020, Sean Davis wrote in the Federalist:

“A source familiar with Durham’s ongoing investigation of the bogus Russian collusion operation tells @FDRLST:
‘Durham isn’t doing anything. Dropping his investigations. He’s worried about blowback from Biden. What an absolute disgrace.’”

According to Sean Davis’ source there was plenty of evidence to indict multiple deep state members who participated in the Russia collusion hoax operation to take down Trump.

We all were certain that Biden’s dark web of totalitarianism was on its way.

But now this very unexpected ray of hope has sprung from Project Durham.

Two weeks ago, two top lawyers at Perkins Coie unexpectedly quit, including Marc Elias, a key figure in the “Russian Collusion” hoax perpetrated against President Trump.

According to Amanda Milius, the Director of “The Plot Against the President”:

“Perkins Coie, as far as non-government institutions go, [is] probably the most powerful group of people in the country. Mark Elias left a couple of weeks ago, which is very weird, and signifies that they know something’s up.”

That brings us up to date when on Sept. 17, Michael Sussman, Hillary Clinton’s lawyer during her run against Donald Trump, was indicted by the Durham probe for lying to the FBI about Trump’s involvement with Moscow’s Alfa Bank that helped kick off the Russia Collusion Delusion witchhunt.

So what’s really going on here? Why has this taken so long and to date, produced only two indictments?

Keep in mind that everyone surrounding the Clinton campaign were lawyers, and not just any lawyers, but lead attorneys at the Perkins Coie law firm, one of the most powerful law firms in the country.

The indictment against Sussman is 90 pages long, and filled with fascinating investigational threads that could lead to additional indictments as Durham now appears to working his way up the chain of wrong-doing. In fact Sussman represents just one-degree of separation from the Clintons, themselves.

But why did Durham appear to be halted just after the election, but now appears to moving at full steam ahead? Perhaps incoming Attorney General Merritt Garland told him so back off, or he would shut down the entire investigation.

Beth has the best theory I’ve heard. If the Clintons are next on Durham’s legal hit list, maybe Joe Biden and Obama are attempting to sacrifice the Clintons – throw them under the bus. Nobody cares about Hillary Clinton anymore.

It would certainly be a spectacular trial – the Trial of the Century – taking up giant portions of the MSM’s news cycles every day. But in the meantime China Joe could go on his merry way destroying every pillar of American freedom he could get his shaky hands on.

Of course, that would also give China Joe and Obama plenty of time to cook up an escape plan for themselves, should John Durham do the unthinkable and take the next step up the chair of corruption.

I’m still reporting from just outside the soon-to-be-restored citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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