Non Citizens Can Vote - Segregation is Back

2 years ago

In Vermont, Non-Citizens Can Now Vote

Vermont will now allow non-citizens to vote in two cities. State lawmakers overrode Republican Governor Phil Scott's veto on the matter. The override vote occurred in late June. It centered on ordinances passed in Montpelier and Winooski (via VT Digger):

The Vermont Senate on Thursday narrowly overrode Gov. Phil Scott’s vetoes of charter changes that allow noncitizens in Winooski and Montpelier to vote in local elections.

In votes of 20-10, Senate Democrats met the two-thirds majority necessary to overturn the Republican governor’s veto pen. The upper chamber’s actions come after the Vermont House of Representatives on Wednesday also successfully overrode Scott’s decision. The charter changes to Winooski and Montpelier will now become law.

Washington university establishes segregated dormitory housing exclusively for black students

A university in Washington State has become the latest institution to create segregated housing exclusively for black students.

The fourth floor of Alma Clark Glass Hall dormitory at Western Washington University in Bellingham is reserved specifically for its ‘Black Affinity Housing program’.

It’s the latest liberal school to segregate students by race, joining the likes of American University, Stanford University, University of Colorado at Boulder and Cornell University, according to Fox News.

University officials claim they set up the black-only housing at the request of African American students and student organizations on campus.

But social media users blasted the university, branding the move ‘disgusting’ and a step backwards for the university. ‘

Half of Britain’s independent gas stations are out of fuel – despite the minister saying the crisis is “in control”

Vehicles line up outside the BP gas station in Alton, Hampshire.

At least 2,500 gas stations are still out of fuel, despite ministers trying to reassure drivers that the crisis is mitigating.

The Gasoline Retailers Association (PRA), which represents independent fuel retailers, and 65% of Britain’s 8,380 outposts reported Thursday as a pump battle broke out and people filled water bottles with gasoline. 21% had only one type of fuel in stock. Only 52% had enough petrol and diesel.

“This is running out faster than usual due to unprecedented demand,” said PRA Secretary-General Gordon Ballmer. He said he was still hearing verbal and physical abuse of gas station staff.

His comments appeared to be inconsistent with the government after a minister claimed the crisis was “under control.”

Treasury Secretary Simon Clarke told Sky News: “The crisis is now in full control as we are supplying more fuel than is currently sold at gas stations.”

The AA said there were “promising signs of stability” while queues remained throughout London, southern England, and urban areas.

The PPC Surge Is Real & Could Change Canadian Politics In A Profound Way

When it comes to People’s Party support in the polls, different surveys are all over the place.

Some have them as low as 4%.

Others have them up over 10%.

But even the lower end of the range would represent a huge increase for the party, considering they won 1.62% in 2019.

At even 4% or 5% of the vote, the PPC would almost certainly elect their leader Maxime Bernier to Parliament, which (as I’ve said before), would be a good thing for Canada since he represents the views of many Canadians who have been unfairly suppressed and ignored by the establishment.

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