eXtreme Gammon - XG Boards - High Resolution Graphics

2 years ago

Backgammon Boards for use in eXtreme Gammon.
High quality vector-based graphic designs.
All these designs are created by Rain; RB-graphics.

eXtreme Gammon - XG
XG is an amazing software/tool for analyzing Backgammon matches/positions.
It is used by the world-top-players (Backgammon Giants).
The program shows you the best mathematical decisions in any circumstances.

Designs inspiration from boards I played on with friends or in tournaments
and backgammon sets I saw online on video's and photo's.

My XG-boards designs are based on inspirations of the amazing backgammon boards from:
Geoffrey Parker, Hector Saxe, Gammoner, P-40, Taki, FM gammon,
BackgammonGalaxy, FTH, Brasil, Wycliffe, Erhan, ...and more...

The Tournament-boards: WSOB, Gibraltar Championship, Merit Park & Chigago Open;
I have re-created those boards+logo's as vector-graphics as an illustration in this video
and to promote their tournaments and great live-streams (credits to the orignal designers/creators).

I have 64 ready-made XG-Boards available.


Want these boards in your own XG ?
I can share these high resolution files with you
in exchange for your donation to support my graphic artwork.

Each board comes with 2 colors of Checkers including Dice & Cube.
Different combinations are possible as you may prefer.

My donation-link: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/RainBG
Depending on your supporting donation I will share these amount of boards with you;
indication threshold:
1 Board : € 4,99
2 Boards : € 9,39
3 Boards : € 12,99
6 Boards : € 19,99
9 Boards : € 27,99 + receive 1 Bonus Board

...for a custom board or my 64 XG-Boards-Overview
make a starting donation (minimum €4,99) and we contact thru email.

Generous donations, to support my graphic art-designs and video's, are highly appreciated;
those will receive free future upgrades/reduction on new releases.

PayPal Fees:
In your PayPal account please consider using the option ''sending to a friend''
in order to avoid fees, so that your full donation amount is used
for supporting me as a graphic artist.
With PayPal you can add a message;
Please mention your preference of which board(s) you'd like to receive,
either you can ask me for my 64 XG-Boards overview-list or custom graphics.

With your donation thru PayPal I will automatically receive your email-address;
that's where to I will send you the files(+ install-instructions) as soon as I can.

XG on Mac?
For Mac users who run XG via Crossover; I do have additional install instructions for that too!


Are you interested in a custom board (optional with your own logo)?
start with sending me a donation; thru email I will get in contact with you,
and we'll discuss about your design-idea.

Send me 1 or more photo's (or internet-image)
with multiple angles of your board, always good to add a Top-View photo.
For the most accurate results:
preferably a hi-res picture(s) taken in daylight settings
+ checkers and cube visible.

About a logo:
Creating logo's from scratch is an art in itself which is not my focus.
However, if you already have a logo or a sketch-idea, I can help you optimize/vectorize your logo.
For example: The logo's on the Tournament-Boards in this video I re-created them as vector graphics.

Info on rates for Custom XG-Board graphics:
There's not really a fixed price, my rates for designing a custom XG-Board are based on donations
and depends on the amount/difficulty of my graphic work and your support/appreciation.
Most customers donate ranging from €12,99 up to €29,99 or even more for a custom design.
Usually I'm providing 'bonus'-boards & checkers for people who donate generously.


Music in this video
* intro & outro : Jingle Punks - Warrior Strife (YT Free Music)

* Surf Music : High Aces - Jaguars of the Andes
High Aces was my surf-band from the Netherlands around 1997-2000.
I play electric bass on all tracks.
Link to the 'High Aces ~ Live Waves' YT-Channel (which contains 8 of our tracks):

*Electronic Music :
This nice track was shared to me by a friend which is a content creator
who unfortunately doesn't know the name of the artist and track name.


Thank you for watching my video and your interest in my graphic art.




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