Southwest Airlines cancel over 1,800 flghts over vaccine mandates

2 years ago

Breaking news regarding the vaccine mandate. Southwest airlines has had to cancel more than 1,800 flights. Even though the SWAPA said that ‘they are ware of operational difficulties affecting southwest airlines today due to a number of issues, pilots are not participating in any official or unofficial job actions”. However, the vaccine mandate is coming up in the beginning of November how stupid does southwest think the population is? Jack Posobiec, Luke Rudkowski, have all reported the mass cancellations that are going on within southwest airlines. Shout out to all the brave pilots sticking it to these evil corporations forcing medicine upon people, Southwest airlines canceled 27% of Sunday flights, 24% on Saturday amid mandated COVID-19 vaccine requirements causing staffing shortages. Southwest pilots also just filed a restraining order in court asking for southwest airlines to reneg on their vaccine mandates. Basically, pilots are using all of their sick time and vacation time and it looks like Jacksonville air traffic control and Milwaukee air traffic control is expected to follow. So what is happening? 80% of pilots are ex-military and they see whats coming with these draconian lockdown measures. They know that after the government successfully forces all unvaccinated cops, pilots, nurses, and doctors off the job, they will come for the rest of the unjabbed population. The most recent tweet from Southwest airlines reads as follows “ATC issues and disruptive weather is causing many flights to be delayed”. Buzz Paterson however is reporting that airline pilots are walking out on the job in a mass sickout. Jordan Rachel is reporting that southwest is cancelling flights and blaming the weather. For the gaslighting corporate media, there are 1,800 flights cancelled, remember that Joe Biden is pushing a fine among companies with more than 100 employees that do not fire their unvaccinated employees. Shout out to all these great people sticking it to these evil corporations and the rest of you cheering on these draconian vaccine mandates, Shame on you!

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