Woman Gets Arm With Bracelet Stuck In Crystal Vase

2 years ago

These images show firefighters assisting a woman who got her arm stuck in a vase while cleaning it with a jade bracelet on her wrist before she headed to the local fire station for help.

The incident took place in Dali City, which is located in China's south-western Yunnan Province, when the woman, who has not been named, was cleaning a vase.

However, she put her hand too far into the tight space and could not remove it.

Distraught, she went to the local Xiaguan Fire Rescue Station accompanied by a family member to ask them for help.

In the video, the firefighters are seen helping the woman put cloth between her skin and the vase before smashing it with a hammer to free her hand.

The firefighters applied a tactful and delicate approach because the broken glass could easily cut her arm. Furthermore, jade is a prized gem in Southeast Asia but it is extremely fragile and can break easily.

But everything goes to plan and after gently tapping the glass with a hammer, one of the firefighters breaks open the vase and frees the woman’s arm.

The entire process took about 10 minutes and the woman was not injured, according to local media.

Dali City Fire Rescue Brigade/AsiaWire/Joe Golder

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