2 years ago

Joe Biden assumed office as President of the United States on January 20, 2021.

The President has the authority to nominate members of his Cabinet to the United States Senate for confirmation under the Appointments Clause of the United States Constitution.

Before confirmation and during congressional hearings, a high-level career member of an executive department heads this pre-confirmed cabinet on an acting basis.

The Cabinet's creation was part of the transition of power following the 2020 United States presidential election.

In addition to the fifteen heads of executive departments, there are nine Cabinet-level officials.

Biden altered his cabinet structure, elevating the chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy and ambassador to the United Nations as Cabinet-level positions.

Biden removed the director of the Central Intelligence Agency from his Cabinet.

Confirmations had occurred at the slowest pace of any presidential cabinet in modern history that resulted from delays in facilitating an orderly transition of power and passing the organizing resolution for governing an evenly split Senate following the 2020–2021 United States Senate run-off elections in Georgia; and the second impeachment of Donald Trump.

By March 2021, a pick-up in the first half of the month brought confirmations close to pace.

Biden is the first president since Ronald Reagan in 1981 to have all of his original Cabinet secretary nominees confirmed to their posts.


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