Immigration & Integration - Biden, Trudeau Socialists - Shot Show

2 years ago

Dutch Islamic scholar: “No Western country has successfully integrated Muslims”

“Dutch author and sociologist Ruud Koopmans said this week that Muslims are more difficult to integrate into Western society than other migrant groups because of a literal interpretation of the Quran prevalent among Muslims.”

Koopmans called this a “threat to world peace.” Most Muslims agree that “Muslims should return to the roots of Islam,” while a whopping “75 percent think there is only one interpretation of the Qur’an possible to which every Muslim should stick.” That interpretation is normative Islam, and the one that resulted in over 11 million Muslims being murdered for not being Muslim enough since 1948, along with innumerable non-Muslims. It’s also the same interpretation that for a millennium and more has divided the world into two camps: the House of War (Infidel countries) and the House of Islam (Islamic countries), with the mandate that the latter must conquer the former.

Children’s Mental Health Deteriorated 'Substantially' During Lockdown

Following 168 children between the ages of 7 ½ and 11 ½, the researchers conclude: “During the UK lockdown, children’s depression symptoms have increased substantially, relative to before lockdown. The scale of this effect has direct relevance for the continuation of different elements of lockdown policy, such as complete or partial school closures.”

More evidence shows that lockdowns have been detrimental to children’s mental health

Generally, ED visits sharply declined in the period of Mid-March to Early April (potentially due to restrictions and closures to non-emergent care) and then increased afterward through the end of the reporting period (October 2020). However, in this same period, “the overall proportion of reported children’s ED visits for mental health-related concerns increased and remained higher through the end of the reporting period in 2020 than that in 2019.”

Biden’s Socialist Revolution: America is marching toward tyranny

Authoritarian socialism is on the march. This is the real meaning of the Biden presidency. And if Republicans and conservatives don’t wake up to the growing danger soon, America—as we have known it—will be no more.

Joe Biden and the far left are determined to achieve one goal: To transform the United States into a progressive, one-party state. The Senate’s passage of the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, with 19 establishment Republicans (including Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell) voting in favor, represents a massive step forward for Biden’s radical agenda.

Canada in midst of socialist coup and academics love it

As the Trudeau Liberals continue to be rightly criticized by conservatives for leading Canada into socialism, an American professor who was once a Marxist now says after travelling the globe that socialism doesn’t work.

Prime Minister Of Canada, or Communist DEMOGRAPHIC ENGINEER?

From the very first week in office, Cultural Action Party of Canada recognized a profound affinity between the Trudeau government, historical dictatorships, and communist societies.

Indeed, the examples are manifold–the very reason why Canada’s state-owned media outlet CBC hide away everything related to this formidable “coincidence.”

Let’s take a closer look at this curiousity of Canadian politics:

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