All Christians Are Not Built The Same So Where Do You Fall?

2 years ago

All Christians aren't built the same. You got Christians who don't follow the Bible. You got Christians who don't know the Bible. You got Christians who never read the Bible. You got Christians who use the Bible for fame and fortune. You got Christians who add their personal translations to the text. You got Christians who only go to church on Easter and Christmas. You got Christians who don't believe in being filled with the Holy Spirit. You got Christians who don't believe on baptism. You got prejudice Christians. You got Christians who still act like the world and are not trying to change. You got Christians who really love the Lord. You got Christians who have the faith to move mountains. You got Christians who present their body a living sacrifice. You got relgious Christians.You got Christians who study. You got Christians who are faithful. With all these different kind of Christians in America it creates confusion. The weak ones say the strong ones are extra. The non prophetic ones say the prophetic ones are making it up. The ones who don't hear from God say those who do are lying and so on and so on. You have some that will look down on the other group

God isn't looking for Christians. He is looking for believers and those who live out His word. He is looking for those who worship in SPIRIT and TRUTH! Seek God for yourself and ask Him to show you what He requires. This wirld will give you all kinds of false information or doctrin

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