How Much Money Do Chiropractors Make?

2 years ago

I re-uploaded this from my old Black Sheep DC channel. It was originally posted in 2019

How much money does the average chiropractor make? Well…the short answer is NOT ENOUGH. It takes a lot of time and energy to become a chiropractor and those efforts are often NOT rewarded in the real world.

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In fact, there was a recent Forbes article that profiled how much money chiropractors average from each state. Rhode Island and Tennessee took the top spots. Wyoming and Utah had the honor of scraping the bottom of the income barrel.

My initial thought was just an affirmation of what I already know. Chiropractors are underpaid. My second thought was about how incredibly important it is for chiropractors to embrace the responsibility of being a chiropractic business owner.

I would argue that it is impossible for a chiropractor to maximize (or get anywhere close to) their income potential if they do not own their own practice. Along with that, I would argue that it is impossible for a chiropractor to maximize their income potential if they do not commit to excellence in the area of business ownership. That means successful chiropractors will to have to take on the responsibility of being the boss.

The bad news is that chiropractors aren’t really trained or prepared to run a successful business. Most chiropractors don’t even know what that means. The good news is that even the most business ignorant chiropractor can learn how to be a business owner if they really want to. AND there are more resources to help chiropractors now than there has ever been before.

So if you are a chiropractor and you would like to see your income increase, my first piece of advice to you is to take the responsibility of being the boss VERY seriously. My next piece of advice is GET HELP. Maybe help is a coach. Maybe help is a training program. Maybe help is an accountability partner. Maybe help is a marketing tool/service. You don’t have to do everything alone. In fact, you shouldn’t.

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