Refuting Adam Something: Libertarianism vs Fascism

2 years ago

In this video, refuting Adam Something, I tackle his erroneous argument claiming 'Right Libertarianism', whatever the hell that is, is somehow fascism. Adam Something, like the typical socialist, labels many on the 'far-right' but as I point out, he contradicts himself. His claims that such people he labels 'far-right' oppose government, but to associate with fascism is the complete opposite of that.

As I have argued numerous times before, I don't argue based on Left versus Right, purely because the Left have manipulated the spectrum, so much so, it becomes pointless trying to argue with them on it. Instead, forcing the argument onto individualism and collectivism puts them on the spot, pure and simply because, fascism, among every other ideology/system, bar capitalism, falls under collectivism. Capitalism is the only system that falls under individualism and the definitions are very clear.

One cannot irrationally claim that people who support capitalism are fascists given everything fascism stands for is the complete opposite of capitalism. It's ridiculous that I have to make such an argument, as it should be obvious, unfortunately, this is the case. Libertarianism is Libertarianism, whether speaking about the social policies or on the economy, Libertarianism contradicts everything fascism represents as the state controls every aspect of people's lives under fascism.

Somehow, Adam Something seems to manage to correlate the obsession over skin colour to do with Libertarianism and his erroneous claims that the likes of Richard Spencer could be passed off as 'Libertarian' or that they call themselves 'Libertarian,' is ridiculous. Again, just because people call themselves something, doesn't make it true, like a socialist who attempts to call themselves Libertarian, no such thing exists. You cannot strip an individual of their rights and liberty and then call oneself a Libertarian because it is a logical contradiction.

• Introduction: (0:00)
• Name Fallacy: (0:37)
• Explaining the GOP: (0:53)
• Left-Right Paradigm: (1:23)
• Listing Names: (2:33)
• Mislabelling: (4:24)
• Personal Responsibility: (5:15)
• Charity vs Theft: (6:07)
• Affirmative Action Myth: (7:07)
• Welfare Damage: (8:51)
• Free Market Assertion: (10:31)
• Today's Economy: (11:09)
• Can't Make His Mind Up: (12:36)
• Opportunities: (13:36)
• White Nationalism Claim: (16:23)
• Systemic Changes: (16:51)
• Conceding He Is the Problem: (17:53)
• Corporatism NOT Capitalism: (18:35)
• Libertarian Concession: (19:41)
• Why Capitalism is NOT Coercive: (21:36)
• Anticapitalism: (22:34)
• Libertarianism Being Fascism Claim: (24:05)

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