Octopus attacks scuba driver

2 years ago

Cormorants are aquatic diving birds found in many parts of the world. In the Galapagos Islands, these birds have evolved to be flightless. They are considered to be one of the rarest birds in the world, found only off the coast of Fernandina Island and Isabella Island. In 1999, researchers estimated that there were only 900 in existence. The birds had no predators and lost their ability to fly when flight was not needed to avoid other animals. Since humans introduced dogs, rats, pigs and other species, the number of flightless cormorants has declined sharply.
This cormorant has no fear of humans, which is the specialty of this species. It must have been assumed that the diver represented a food source as it followed and repeatedly pigeonholed, pecking at them and their equipment.
The divers were pleased with this behavior and did not fear the bird as it could not easily injure them. It is believed that birds mistake air tubes and other scuba equipment for eels or fish. It tries to peck or eat the camera as well as being attracted to the camera. The hooked beak is visible, allowing the cormorant to grab and hang onto its prey. It will only hold food that it can swallow whole.

Cormorants can dive to impressive depths to catch fish, eels and other marine animals. They use their powerful legs and webbed feet for propulsion. Amazingly agile, they are capable hunters, and they have no trouble catching enough prey each day. Most of their time is spent in sunbathing and drying their feathers. This cormorant shows its diving ability as it leaves the surface to reach the bottom quickly to a group of divers. Cormorants are magnificent birds, and they are known for their curiosity. The divers in this video will not soon forget such an adventurous and entertaining conversation with a wild animal.

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