Ratchet Effect FULLY ENGAGED, Workers KEEP FIGHTING Back, JaegerBomb+! “How Did We Miss That?” Ep 10

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2 years ago

How Did We Miss That? Is a show airing on YouTube/Twitch/Facebook/Twitter/Odysee every Saturday night at midnight ET / 9pm PT, reviewing a few BIG stories we haven't seen covered much in leftist independent media. Co-hosted with @ReefBreland from @dorediscord. All of the stories were featured in our Substack, http://Leftists.today and at the top of IndependentLeft.News between 10/23 & 10/29

Articles Covered in the 10/30/21 episode, all shared on Leftists.today between 10/23 & 10/29:
Ratchet Effect FULLY ENGAGED, Workers KEEP FIGHTING Back, JaegerBomb+! “How Did We Miss That?” Ep 10

Story 1 - Build Back Bull**it
10/25 AM
🎃 WTF Is Build Back Better? Part I: Aly Alexandra https://alyalexandra.medium.com/wtf-is-build-back-better-part-i-49717e85f2fd
10/26 PM
🎃 Pelosi and Hoyer to Progressives: Just Pretend Democrats Are Winning (Even If Corporate Lobbyists Are): Jon Queally, CommonDreams https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/10/26/pelosi-and-hoyer-progressives-just-pretend-democrats-are-winning-even-if-corporate
10/28 PM
🎃 Democrats Betray Paid Family Leave: Ezra Brain, Left Voice https://www.leftvoice.org/democrats-betray-paid-family-leave/

Story 2 - Labor Continues to Push Back
10/26 AM
🎃 Anger grows among Deere workers over UAW’s plans for poverty strike pay: WSWS
10/27 PM https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2021/10/26/owlj-o26.html
🎃 Letter Carriers Resist After-Dark Delivery: Alexandra Bradbury, Labor Notes https://labornotes.org/2021/10/letter-carriers-resist-after-dark-delivery

Story 3 - JaegerBomb!
10/24 AM
🎃 NC Regulators' Patience Is Wearing Thin On Colonial Pipeline Spill: Robbie Jaeger, PolitiFi News https://jaeger.substack.com/p/nc-regulators-patience-is-wearing

Story 4 - The Bias ALWAYS Swings Right
10/25 PM
🎃 Twitter admits its algorithm promotes right-wing politicians and media outlets: Benjamin Norton https://benjaminnorton.substack.com/p/twitter-admits-its-algorithm-promotes

Story 5 - Beware when Billionaires Team Up
10/27 AM
🎃 Billionaire political meddlers, disinformation agents launch ‘Good Information Inc.’ to fight disinformation: Alex Rubinstein, The Grayzone https://thegrayzone.com/2021/10/27/billionaire-political-meddlers-disinformation-agents-launch-good-information-inc-to-fight-disinformation/

Story 6 - Police Being Outsourced to Private Merc Groups?
10/28 AM
🎃 Private Mercenary Group Targets, Assaults, & Detains Anti-Police Protesters in Uptown Minneapolis - Niko Georgiades & Sam Richards, Unicorn Riot https://unicornriot.ninja/2021/private-mercenary-group-targets-assaults-detains-anti-police-protesters-in-uptown-minneapolis/

Story 7 - It’s OK As Long As You’re A Democrat
10/24 PM
🎃 Tara Reade: Why exactly are Trump’s records from January fair game but Biden’s decades-old Senate files not?: RT https://www.rt.com/op-ed/538130-biden-trump-records-sealed/

Story 8 - Caitlin’s Corner
10/29 AM
🎃 The Democratic Party Will ALWAYS Be This Way: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix: Caitlin Johnstone https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2021/10/29/the-democratic-party-will-always-be-this-way-notes-from-the-edge-of-the-narrative-matrix/

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