Atty Gen Garland's Incompetence Meant as a Bouquet of Weeds for America’s Funeral

2 years ago

Why is Atty Gen Merrick Purposefully Destroying His Own Reputation?

*WARNING – THE FOLLOWING ANALYSIS IS UNNERVING* For every one of the Biden Administration’s incompetent officials offering poorly made decisions and subsequent disasters – there is a reason behind the madness. Realize that leftists are convinced they can’t achieve power without subterfuge, dissembling and man-made catastrophes. Their idea of total government domination, already rejected by Gen George Washington and the Colonists, has no support in USA. So, to win they joyfully launch a strategic coup, engaging in what they believe is the most sacred act of leadership – revolution. The chess playing of Marx pitted against the checkers of Adam Smith, goes their theory.

Such dreary gamesmanship results from their humanistic and Gnostic (gnaw-sticks) atheism, asserting a small, select caste are destined to save humanity through dedication and genius. And so each member assumes a role. In Merrick Garland’s case, he’s volunteered for the part of a doddering old man who can’t make good decisions because he's . In his self-satisfied indolence he researches America via CNN, so won’t think for himself. Like the infamous movie Human Centipede, Garland is attached to Biden’s gluteus like a favored parasite.

We’ve descended into Kafka’s ‘Trial,’ where a secret collusion exists for power. Here, countless government stooges collude against the defendants, as confusion dominates, and communication ceases while total incompetence reins. Due process becomes a fiction. The accused is America itself. We the People are the hated plebs, the great unwashed, the morons of capitalism, despised by the elites who must be scrubbed from society so planet earth may survive while utopia is finally instituted.

Garland’s claim that America’s Parents are more dangerous than Antifa, BLM, Muslim terrorists, millions of illegals, or spiking violent crime rates is nonsensical obsequiousness to socialist plans. It was astounding theater when Sen’s Cruz and Hawley confronted incompetent Garland on his facts, who admitted he hadn’t checked the theory of Parents as Dangerous Subversives. He then asserted fact-checking would be correctly done after new FBI rules were already established to pursue parental terrorists in the meantime. Garland came across like a man with no particle training were chosen off a city street and then appointed as AG without any experience or special knowledge. Ludicrous.

Priceless was Garland being grilled over if the ethics guy was asked if his family’s business teaching Critical Race Theory could be seen as a conflict. Meanwhile, Merrick blubbered he couldn't be suspected of bias, regardless of any details, seeming so pedestrian and naive. We detect in this family the incestuous family aspect of Leftist indoctrination where one generation injects the next with the virus of mindless Marxism. Similar to Pete Buttiege’s father as an expert in Italian Marxist Gramsci, most important socialist authority of today. No wonder Secy Transport Peter Pan is a first class rebel!

Overall, America is in desperate straights, and we must prepare for even worse depredations and insane policies than we've seen these last 9 months. Let's consider ourselves lucky to live at a crucial time to resist true enemies threatening human society and liberty. As Churchill wrote for his Never Give In, Never, Never, Never Speech: “Do not let us speak of darker days: let us speak rather of sterner days. These are not dark days; these are great days — the greatest days our country has ever lived; and we must all thank God that we have been allowed, each of us according to our stations, to play a part in making these days memorable in the history of our race.”

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